Abstracts from files in info-mac/app as of Sun Dec 26 00:38:40 PST 1993#### BINHEX 3d-galaxy-collisions.hqx ****#### BINHEX academic-data-manager-hc.hqx ****Date: Sun, 04 Oct 92 23:12:33 EDT From: Tom Marx <TMARX@american.edu>Organization: The American University Subject: hqx file for info-mac archives I hope this is the right place to send this. I have developed a HyperCard 2.0stack for organizing bibliographic information and notetaking. It is calledAcademic DataManager. It organizes and prints out in proper bibliographicform. It was recently mentioned in MacUser. I can send a more completedescription, but I know descriptions arent included in the archive. Thisis hexed (obviously). If this is the wrong way to send it, please let meknow. If this gets uploaded directly like this, ignore this babbling. Thanx.#### BINHEX address-book-365.hqx ****From "jverreau@sol.UVic.CA (John Verreault)" Mon Sep 13 23:30:12 1993Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 11:05:41 PDT From: jverreau@sol.UVic.CA (John Verreault)Subject: Address Book 3.6.5 Here is the newest version of Jim Leitch's marvelous AddressBook/envelopeprinting application. It also has a few utilities and miscellaneous appsthat work with Address Book. It is in a self-extracting archive that hasbeen binhexed. Enjoy. ;->_____________________________________________________________________John Verreault, Systems Coordinator School of Business Voice: (604) 721-6055University of Victoria Internet: jverreau@sol.uvic.ca Victoria, B.C. Canada BITNET: JVERREAU@UVVM#### BINHEX agent.hqx ****Date: 10 Mar 1993 09:17:47 -0500 From: "Sofer, William H" <sofer@ocelot.Rutgers.EDU>Subject: AGenT Enclosed is AGenT, a piece of educational software that makes use of asimulated laboratory to help middle and high school biology students understand some areas of biochemical genetics. AGenT is a stand-alone application created in SuperCard. It runs only on acolor-capable Macintosh.AGenT stands for Automated Genetics Tutor. It was written by Bill Sofer of theWaksman Institute at Rutgers University and Alan Gerstein of Pharmacia BiotechInc. It has been designed to supplement a "module" - a set of laboratoryexercises - entitled "Molecular Aspects of Gene Activity" that was developedunder the auspices of NSF and Merck-sponsored grants to Bill Sofer and GeorgePallrand of Rutgers. AGenT is SchoolWare (see the program and Readme file formore information).<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>#### BINHEX ajs-clock.hqx ****From: Andre-John Mas <A.J.Mas@hertfordshire.ac.uk>Date: Thu, 17 Jun 93 12:03:37 +0200 -------AJ's Clock-------This is a program that displays a clock in a window.o Works in the Backgroundo Multifinder Compatibleo System 7 Compatibleo Colour and B&Wo No known bugsThis is my first Mac program, so it is nothing special. A-J Mas#### BINHEX alarm-book-13-demo.hqx ****From: wizzkid@eagle.natinst.com (Dan Repich)Subject: No Subject!Date: Fri, 10 Dec 93 10:04:30 CST(same as last submission except with description)AlarmBook 1.3Revised demo version of AlarmBook utility.This software allows a user to set up audio and visual alarmsthat have the ability to launch applications or shut the Mac down.It also allows a user to communicate with other AlarmBook userson a localtalk network. Message sending with audio, and filetransfers are supported without a dedicated server.This new version differs from the previous version in several ways.1. Allows you to launch the app from the desk accessory.2. Demo version more functional than previous demo version.3. Bug fixes in message sending.4. Included online documentation in MS Word format.#### BINHEX all-day-30.hqx ****From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 17:24:51 GMTAllDay 3.0AllDay is a tiny program styled after the well knownMacintosh Desk Accessories.It+s only duty is to build a yearly calendar within aseparate window. Once displayed, it is possible to thumbbackward or forward through the years or to jump to acertain year via a separate dialog.Full doc included.I'm not the author.---------------------------------------------#### BINHEX amplify-10.hqx ****Date: Tue, 05 May 1992 12:18:57 EDT From: ggloor@kean.ucs.mun.caSubject: Amplify1.0.cpt.hqx I am sending you a program for analyzing PCR reactions thatwas written by Bill Engels at the University of Wisconsinunder the Apple ROTA project. PCR is a technize that is usedby virtually every biologist in leiu of molecular cloning.The program is nicely done with an excellent Mac interfaceand full documentation. I think it would be a valuableaddition to your archive in the biology section. It isstable under Systems 6 and 7 and has been tested on a widevariety of machines, but most extensively on a IIci withvirtual memory and an SE/30.Greg Gloor, Faculty of Medicine Memorial UniversityAmplify by Bill Engels is a program for use in designing,analyzing, and simulating experiments involving thepolymerase chain reaction (PCR). This program is most usefulfor choosing and analyzing conditions to optimize PCRreactions. It will not automatically pick PCR primers, butwill tell you if the primers you have chosen will perform asexpected, or will give you potential problems. From: MX%"WRENGELS@macc.wisc.edu" 29-APR-1992 01:17:36.07To: GGLOOR@KEAN.UCS.MUN.CA Subj: Amplify 1.0 (hqx)#### BINHEX amys-recipes-10-hc.hqx ****Date: Thu, 13 May 93 21:52:20 CDT From: Kent E. Pilkington <kep@bilbo.baylor.edu>Subject: AmysRecipes.cpt Amy's Recipes 1.0 )December 1992 by Tim BoboImage Works Software.)IntroductionThis stack was created especially for my wife, Amy. She is a wonderful friend, wife, mother, cook, and much more. Amy, I hope you enjoy this little program. I will try to learn to be a better cook myself, and this is kind of a scary thought since I messed up macaroni and cheese before.Advantages To Using This Program% Never loose a recipe again!% Easy to browse through all your favorite recipes.% Print out your recipes and take them to the store to use as a shopping list! Don't worry if you loose them, you always print out another copy. % Oops, got spaghetti on that recipe? Don't worry, you can print out a clean copy later.% So 65 of your friends are dying to have a copy of your "Meat Loaf & Yogurt" Surprise recipe. No problem, print out a few copies for them.% Now what was that recipe named? No problem, just do a word search and find that recipe by a key ingredient.Shareware = Send Me All Your MoneyIf you like this little HyperCard program, please send me $3. This money will be given to Amy as a bonus gift in addition to this program. Three dollars is not a lot, but if 100 or so people are honest enough to send $3 it will be great. (Actually if a million or so people send me $3 it would be even better.) If you include a blank floppy and a SASE, I will send you some of my other useful programs with the Shareware fee waved. (Font Library - great cataloger , Five Dice - fun game, Shapes - kid learning stack, probably an upgrade to this program, and more!)Send Your Money To:Image WorksAttention: Tim Bobo6433 StarnesFt. Worth, TX 76148-1755Basic InstructionsThe operation of this program is very simple. Select the category you want to look at. This will take you to a Category Index. You can then select the recipe you want to see. You can browse through the recipes either by using the arrow buttons at the top right hand corner of the screen or using the arrow keys. Any time you want to see the Category Index for the category of the recipe you are viewing, press the "Category Index" tab you can see to the right. You can also go to any Category Index by selecting it from the "Go" menu.PrintingIf you want to print any recipe, just press the button that looks like a printer that is located at the bottom right of each Recipe card. (The printer looks like a HP Deskwriter.) Or you can choose "Print Recipe" from the "File" menu. You are always given the option of printing just one recipe, or all the recipes.Note: You can also print these instructions by pressing the button seen below that looks like a HP Deskwriter.Finding Recipe By a WordJust click the little magnifying glass at the top right of each card to search for a recipe by a certain word. Or you can select "Find..." from the "Go" menu. This function is helpful when you want to browse through several recipes with a certain ingredient regardless of the category they are located in. Once the first occurrence of the word is found, simply press RETURN to go to the next occurrence of that same word.Editing a RecipeEditing Contents:You can edit the contents of any recipe by pressing the button that looks like a lock in the top right hand corner of the of each recipe card. This "unlocks" the text so it can be edited. Recipes automatically lock again when you go to a different recipe.Editing Name & Category:You can edit the name of a recipe from the Category Index in which the recipe is listed. You can also change the category for any recipe. (This is helpful if you ever accidentally enter a Seafood recipe under the Dessert index.) Just press the edit button that looks like a pencil at the bottom right of the card. Then follow the directions given. You will have the option to change the name and the category for any recipe. The process is a little slow, but functional.Deleting RecipesThere is no use keeping recipes you hate. You might forget and fix that awful Peanut Butter Bar-BQ Shrimp Yogurt Shake again by mistake. Don't take any chances! Under the Category Indexes there is a small button that looks like a cleaver at the bottom right hand corner of the card. (O.K, so it sort of looks like a cleaver.) Anyway, press this button and then choose your victim - err I mean recipe. By the way, be sure that when you click that last "OK" button that you have really chosen the right recipe. All deletions are final.Entering New RecipesAdding a new recipe is very simple.1) Go to the appropriate Category Index for you new recipe.2) Press the "Add New Recipe" button at the bottom of the Category Index.3) You will be asked to enter a new recipe name. The computer will then make sure there is no other recipe by that same name already entered.4) Then the program will present you with a blank card that you can add the recipe information to. (NOTE: If you have already typed the recipe in a word processing program you can "Paste" the recipe onto the card with the edit menu.)5) If the recipe is too long for the card, press the button that looks like a scroll and you will be given a second card to use.UpdatesAll future updates are free to registered users. I am planning to add the following features to new versions:% import feature - this would allow you to import recipes from your friends with this same stack. There is no use retyping what they have already entered in.% better sound% importing text files - this would help you enter in recipes you have saved as text files.Enjoy the program and send in your very affordable shareware fee of only $3!#### BINHEX anti-times-tables.hqx ****From: kenh@world.std.com <Ken Hancock>Subject: [*] Anti-Times TablesEnclosed is an educational tool for helping children with theirtimes tables. Part of the GAMER distribution.#### BINHEX area-code-finder-254.hqx ****From: delucisc@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu (Scott C. DeLucia)Subject: AreacodeFinder v2.5.4 Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 16:56:51 -0400 (EDT) I would like to upload this file to the INFO-MAC archives. This program iscalled AreaCodeFinder and it is the latest version. The author, JohnCalandi asked for me to post it.#### BINHEX area-code-finder-30.hqx ****Date: Fri, 22 Oct 93 11:13:19 CDTFrom: jkm@fig.cray.com (John Matthews)Subject: submission of AreaCodeFinder3.0.cpt.HqxThis is an updated verion of areacodefinder 2.54,and was downloaded from America On-Line. It letsyou look up area codes, city names, or postalabbreviations from any of the others. I verifiedit on a IIci and IIsi, but it doesn't work on aPlus (or probably any system without Color QuickDraw.)No documentation files were provided on AOL, so keepyour old ones.Compressed with CompactPro, encoded with Binhex 4.I'm not the author, just an interested user. John MatthewsAOL: jkm2250 Internet: jkm@cray.com------#### BINHEX area-code-time-finder-hc.hqx ****From: Kevin Savetz <savetz@bolero.rahul.net>Subject: Area Code & Time Finder stack Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1993 14:10:37 -0700 (PDT) AreaCODE&TIMEfinder!This is a very easy-to-use Hypercard stack will allow you to: * FIND the AREA CODE and CURRENT TIME for any one of more than 6,000 listed U.S cities with populations in excess of 2,500 (according to 1990 U.S Census figures) with direct dialing access. Searchable by city name, state,etc. * FIND the AREA CODE and CURRENT TIME for all Canadian cities with direct dialing access with populations in excess of 10,000 according to 1991 atlas information and virtually all Ontario and Quebec cities. * FIND the AREA CODE and CURRENT TIME for any one of more than 1,400 foreign cities listed from nearly 60 countries accessible by direct dialing, Shareware $15.#### BINHEX area-code-time-zone-13.hqx ****Date: Fri, 19 Feb 93 02:23:11 -0800 From: Michael Ross <mross@antigone.com>Subject: *AreaCodesTimeZonesDA1.3 (submission) Here is a minor update to my Area Codes/Time Zones DA, which simply lists area codes in numerical order, with the corresponding state or province and time zone... It uses Bill Steinberg's Display DA.908 had somehow "disappeared" from the list. Thanks to Dave Chou for pointing this out. I guess this is a bug fix... :)This version supercedes version 1.2 which should be removed from sumex.Michael Rossmross@antigone.com#### BINHEX area-codes-12.hqx ****From <daver9@aol.com> Wed Aug 25 22:40:50 1993From: daver9@aol.comDate: Thu, 26 Aug 93 00:22:52 EDTSubject: Area-Codes-1.2.hqxArea Codes 1.2 This handy little application will look up the state an areacode is in. It now tells you more information, such as theregion and/or cities the area code covers, and what time it would be there. Freeware. Also includes some bug fixes from previous versions.#### BINHEX arrange-11-demo.hqx ****Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 14:23:01 -0800From: royh@netcom.com (Roy Harvey)Subject: ArrangeDemo.sea.hqx#### BINHEX art-beat-demo.hqx ****Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1992 11:19:00 +0000 From: "Dia-Edin (D.E.) Helmy" <helmy@bnr.ca>Subject: ArtBeat, PS editor (part 1 of 3) ArtBeat is a Drawing application that has excellent reviews. It is basedon Postscript objects, therefore, it can interchange drawings amongmost existing Mac formats.A friend of mine asked me to post this copy. Try it, if you like itdon't call me! Call Pie in NJ (201)902-9500./DH----------- Start of part 1 of 3 ---------------#### BINHEX astrocalc-0b1-hc.hqx ****From macmod Thu Sep 30 09:07:07 1993Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 14:49:15 +1200From: CLAS005@csc.canterbury.ac.nzSubject: [*] AstroCalc 0.b1Here is Astrocalc 0.b1, a Hypercard stack.This is a small piece of a much larger project, and inspite of its name, this portion is for doing date /time calculations. Date conversions include Roman,Egyptian, Julian Day, Olympiad. Time conversionsinclude Greenwich, local standard, sidereal.I'm submitting this because there was chat on thisnet a while back on Julian Day (basically a wayof converting date-time to a decimal number. Nodocumentation, and although I've tried to implementsome decent error-checking, you're basically on yourown with this one.Matt Neuburg = clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz#### BINHEX at-peace-10.hqx ****From "Santa Claus <ttak@midway.uchicago.edu>" Sun Sep 12 00:39:26 1993Date: Sat, 11 Sep 93 19:49:17 CDT From: Santa Claus <ttak@midway.uchicago.edu>Subject: At Peace 1.0 [PLANET software] THIS ARCHIVE CONTAINS: At Peace 1.0 The author of Text Press, StackPacker, Personal Bomb!, and Cloud Altitudeintroduces two new applications, as well as two new updates... The new applications: * Informer - leave voice messages for your co-workers and/or roommates withthis fancy application. Includes voice synthesis, support for the new SpeechManager, System 7 Savvy, System 6 compatible, and also makes your Macintoshring! * At Peace - the utility which allows you to turn At Ease's sounds on andoff, as well as start At Ease without restarting, quit At Ease, and more! The following two updated applications correct a minor bug in System 6'sMultiFinder that makes the splash screen appear behind other windows. Thefixed versions: * Text Press 1.1a - a utility which converts TeachText documents betweeneditable (TEXT) and read-only (newspaper) formats. Useful to all Macintoshusers, especially developers. * Cloud Altitude 3.0a - a dinky little program that calculates the altitudeand types of clouds for any day (even today). * Look for: * The Sound Studio - add sound effects to your video productions (notassociated with QuickTime). * High quality e-mail for everyone. * More to come...#### BINHEX atto-clock-131.hqx ****From: fredc@netcom.com (Fred Condo)Subject: attoClock 1.3.1Date: Tue, 9 Nov 93 9:18:11 PSTattoClock 1.3.1Tuesday, November 9, 1993What it is=-=-=-=-=-attoClock is a very small application (7494 bytes) for System 7 that displays adigitalclock in a small window. It has intentionally few features. It displays the hourandminute, respecting the time format you have set in your control panels. Itdoesn't displayseconds or the date or ring chimes or display movies or pictures or animations.Just thetime.The motivation for creating attoClock was that I like having a clock on myscreen, but Idon't want to give up a lot of memory or disk space for the function. I coulduse theAlarm Clock desk accessory, but it has a larger window, and, if placed at thebottom ofthe screen, must be moved to access its extra functions. Also, I distrust theextensionsand control panels that put a clock in the menu bar. Even with the best effortsof theauthors, conflicts among complex extensions occur. A small application thatobeys Apple'sprogramming guidelines is the least obtrusive way to provide a simple functionlike this.To keep attoClock as small as possible, it supports System 7 (including 7.0.1and 7.1 andpresumably future versions) only. It will silently quit if it is launched underearliersystems. The name is taken from the metric-system prefix atto-, which means one quintillionth (10-18). That's very small, but it should not be confused with anattaBoy,which is a small word of praise.Version 1.3.1=-=-=-=-=-=-=Removed the notification alerts when attoClock receives Apple Events that itdoesn'tunderstand. This was annoying at least one AppleScript developer.attoClock will flash 12:00 AM if the year ever becomes earlier than its year ofrelease.This condition is meant to warn you your clock has been reset or becomeseriously wrong.The version shown in the About box is now taken directly fromthe 'vers'resource.#### BINHEX auspice-31.hqx ****Date: 17 May 1993 12:23:49 +0100 (MET) From: jonker@amc.uva.nl (Ard Jonker)Subject: Auspice new version This is a new version of Auspice, a remainder program with the possibilityto post reminders, have them repeated and/or deferred, deleted or editedonce a reminder comes forward. Auspice works in the background, iconized ifyou want. The program can have more than one data file (though only oneopen at one time) and can be started up by putting this file in the startupfolder. Across a network, coworkers can inspect and modify other personsAuspice datafiles.A reminder can be set by specifying date and time, and can be repeatedevery so many minutes, hours, days, months, years. Defering a message canbe done in minutes, hours or days. Holydays are customizable. The interfaceis very intuitive. I am not the Author, contact Wayne K. Meyer, his addresson compuserve is in the readme file. Have fun.#### BINHEX auto-trade-10.hqx ****Date: Sun, 27 Sep 92 04:00 EDTFrom: STEIN78@WILMA.WHARTON.UPENN.EDUSubject: AutoTrade.hqxAutoTrade 1.0 is a new Macintosh investment program that can manage an entire portfolio. It issues specific buy and sell orders with precise dollar amounts based on your individual portfolio. It can be used to both help you time your own trades or as aMaking money in the stock market is possible and doesnUt require magic, but it does require strict discipline that few of us possess. A computer, on the other hand, has perfect discipline. In order to remove emotions totally from the stock selection prAutoTrade does not pretend to be 100% accurate on its predictions. No system can be anywhere near 100% accurate. But with a strict, disciplined, and ruthless process of eliminating losers and keeping winners, AutoTrade can make you a profit if even les#### BINHEX axo-calculator-11.hqx ****From: macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (Info-Mac Moderator)Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1993 17:07:03 PST>To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu From: clements@ohsu.edu (John Clements,MAC,VIABR)Date: Wed Mar 24 11:44:35 PST 1993Ua-Content-Id: <PMX-PC-2.2-******-stjohns-clements-3023>End-Of-Header: Email-Version: 2Subject: axo-calculator-11.cpt.hqxTo: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.eduUa-Message-Id: <MAC-1.3.3-302119-clements-230>Message-Type: macfileMacfilehdr: TEXTMPS 01000004868C000001ACAxoCalculator.cpt.hqxEnd-Of-Protocol: Content-Type: TextContent-Length: 297016 AxoCalculator 1.1AxoCalculator is a general purpose scientific calculator, and a multi-language development environment. Standard scientific functions (sin, cos, exp, ... ) and statistical calculations are supported. Calculations are performed by typing them into the editor window then pressing "enter". This approach maintains a record which can be cross-checked or printed. Programs and functions can be written in Pascal, Fortran, Basic or C and executed by AxoCalculator's multi-language interpreter. Programs can interact with the user via standard dialogs. They can be assigned names which are then appended to the "Calculator" menu. Programs can be automatically loaded onto the menu each time AxoCalculator is run. #### BINHEX bang-dos-cli-10.hqx ****Date: Sat, 8 Aug 92 02:13:36 +0200 From: d88-jwa@nada.kth.seSubject: !Dos 1.0 This little crude application is a Command Line Interfacethat lets you list, copy, move and delete files. Now don'tsay the mac doesn't have a CLI. (However, you can't launchapplications, script, or do anything else interesting withit) Main feature is the adaptive buffer size and async I/O forfile copying making it ideal for transferring files overAppleTalk Remote Access when you want to do other thingswith your mac at the same time. All operations multitaskpretty well. Only tested on Quadra 900. Only runs under System 7. Freeware. / Jon W{tte h+@nada.kth.se#### BINHEX banner-maker-122.hqx ****Date: Fri, 5 Jan 90 09:46:19 PSTFrom: PUGH@ccc.nmfecc.govTo: INFO-MAC@sumex-aim.stanford.eduAs usual, just as soon as you post something a new version comesalong. Here is version 1.2.2 of Banner which prints awesomebanners on the Imagewriter (or whatever) with Adobe Type Manager.Using ATM gives you excellent quality letters even at pointsizes of 240 and 480. This version has a bunch of bug fixes.Jon#### BINHEX barr-laser-catalog-hc.hqx ****Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1992 21:27:48 +0300 From: Jussi-Pekka Mantere <jpm@cs.hut.fi>Subject: LD.Mac.Stack.hqx Organization: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Hi! Here's a HyperCard stack from cs.yale.edu, /pub/rec.video/BarrLDDB.I'm just using it, otherwise I've got no connection to it.Suggested archive name: card/LD.Mac.Stack.hqxBest Regards,Jussi-Pekka Mantere--- original file follows ---This stack is designed to read in the flat file version ofthe Barr Digital Laser Disc Catalog that is available via anonymousftp from cs.yale.edu ( and and convert itinto a stack. The file is in the /pub/rec.video/BarrLDDB directoryand is named "lib.dat". The database contains records for ALL currentlyavailable NTSC laser discs and includes information on letterboxing,digital stereo, close captioning, availability, etc.Stephen Jonkejonke@kong.gsfc.nasa.gov#### BINHEX be-fruitful-and-multiply.hqx ****Date: Fri, 4 Dec 92 15:11:47 CST From: bobs@saintjoe.EDU (Bob Schenk)Subject: (*) Be Fruitful and Multiply Attached is Be Fruitful and Multiply, which both drills multiplicationtables and illustrates what the tables mean with simple graphics.If you have a child trying to learn multiplication, it may be ofsome useIt works for me both under System 6 and 7. It is shareware ($5). Iam interested in comments and suggestions.R. Schenk bobs@saintjoe.edu#### BINHEX belgian-postcards-20.hqx ****Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 12:55:47 +0100 From: stud08@cc4.kuleuven.ac.be (Karl Pottie)Subject: Belgian_Postcards Belgian PostCards 2.0Some people asked me to re-submit Belgian Postcards with a better explanatoryheader, so that busy people have a better way to decide ifto download this app or not. Archivers: sorry for any inconvenience.Belgian PostCards is a text editor that lets the user create fun, eye-catchingdocuments (over 50 icons to get your friends/customers attention!) The version2 release adds significant features:* Easier selection of color graphics* Supports fonts, including sizes greater than 127 points* Supports styled text* Has a sound annotation feature: record your own sounds or import sounds from other files such as HyperCard/system sounds* New preferences for default file type/fonts/sizes* Improved search/replace (goes to beginning of document)* Allows Wild Magic owners to paste in QuickTime movies *and* record additional notes attached to but *independent* to the movie graphic* Cut and paste compatible with DocMaker* Substitute font feature for those receiving files with fonts not in their systemPostCards still:* Allows the easy creation of TeachText docs (ttro and text) with pictures (including this demo version - useful even if you don't buy the full version!!)* Works on a network -- the icons are perfect for sign posts and will also open the document over the net -- replace standard icons with your corporate photos for the ultimate in net management/info* 32 bit clean* Works under VM ** More economical than paying for the extra freight of an application/document hybrid*More fun!The demo supports creating TeachText docs with pictures and includesa few sample icon types.The Viewer allows users to view plain text files in any font they like!No more Geneva! These items are free, but we hope you'll buy the fullversion for creating styled text with sounds.$25 (includes shipping/handling)The distribution of this demo is unlimited#### BINHEX bibliophile-hc.hqx ****Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1993 22:39:08 EST From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>Subject: Bibliophile.hqx Bibliophile is an attempt to provide a library stack in Hypercard that addresses the needs of serious collectors and students interested in recordingcollections of works in a standard, professional manner. Bibliophile offersthe following features: 1. Sort cards by author name, book title, publisher, publicationdate, subject, or keywords. 2. Cards are date stamped, numbered, and noted as to their currentsort status. 3. Book costs can be entered into a separate field. Inventory costscan be totalled through the utilities button. 4. searches card contents for keyword fields. Recurring searches canbe accomplished by simply clicking a button. 5. Documentation included within the stack itself by a script whichmimics "Balloon help." Users click on a button to begin and then simply pasthe cursor over the item which requires explanation. A short description appears describing the function of the item. Click again and help disappears. 6. Dealer addresses are available in a hidden field. A simple clickon a button and the field appears. Another click and the info is hidden. 7. Each card can store standard bibliographical information. 8. Exports a pre-formatted bibliography or catalog as a text file.The file can then be read by most word-processing applications.Requires Hypercard 1.2.5 or better. Works fine under Hypercard 2.1 Authormay be reached at "Brians7614@aol.com"18-Jan-93 7:47:11-GMT,103965;000000000001Received: from SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA22060; Sun, 17 Jan 93 23:47:08 PSTFull-Name: Info-Mac ModeratorReceived: by SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA22511; Sun, 17 Jan 93 23:47:07 PSTResent-Message-Id: <9301180747.AA22511@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>Return-Path: <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu> Received: from maple.circa.ufl.edu by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA18288; Sun, 17 Jan 93 19:31:35 PST Received: by ufcc.ufl.edu (MX V3.1C) id 41; Sun, 17 Jan 1993 22:32:24 EST Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1993 22:32:18 EST From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.eduMessage-Id: <00966C3F.B57E6F60.41@ufcc.ufl.edu> Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDUResent-Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1993 23:47:06 PSTResent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>#### BINHEX bicycle-gear-calculator-41-hc.hqx ****From macmod Thu Sep 30 09:07:13 1993From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 8:57:55 PDT(5.65c/IDA- for macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu); Thu, 30 Sep 199313:03:33 +0100Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 13:03:33 +0100Message-Id: <199309301203.AA15439@ap.co.umist.ac.uk>X-Sender: jf@phiMime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========================_6956254==_"To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.eduFrom: John Forrest <jf@ap.co.umist.ac.uk>Subject: Bicycle Gear Calculator v4.1--========================_6956254==_Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"This is a new version of the Bicycle Gear Calculator distributed via thesumex and umich archives. This stack helps you design chain drives, byseeing the gears produced by various chainwheel/freewheel combinations.This new version copes with 8 rear cogs and has a nice new title page.There is a new import feature to help with updating. Apart from that, ithas a few bug fixes. It now requires the Colorizing HC XCMD stack, which isbundled in - previously this was optional. This is true even if you areusing a monochrome monitor. The stack is freeware.--========================_6956254==_Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="BGC4.1.cpt"#### BINHEX bicycle-spoke-length-hc.hqx ****Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1992 22:33:48 -0800 From: topp@roses.stanford.eduSubject: SpokeLength -- a HC stack for bicycle wheelbuilders SpokeLength a HyperCard stack that computes bicycle spoke lengths. Ithas a database of various rim and hub dimensions and an interface thatmakes it simple to use. It's in HC 1.2.x format. It's free.SpokeLength derives much of its functionality from:HPopUpMenu XFCN, by Jon Pugh;FindInField XFCN, by Roger Brown.Eric Topp topp@roses.stanford.edu-=E#### BINHEX biorhythms-hc.hqx ****Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 01:56:25 -0400 (EDT)From: FISHERKJ@SNYONEVA.CC.ONEONTA.EDUSubject: hyper-biorhythm If you remember Disco, you'll remember Biorhythms. This color HyperCard stack charts your emotional, mental, and physical ability to face another day of the Clinton administration. It even plays a few notes of Gershwin. (Hey, it's August. What else was there to do?) <fisherkj@snyoneva>#### BINHEX biplane-20a.hqx ****Date: Fri, 01 Mar 91 08:34:59 ESTFrom: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>Organization: Connecticut's Business SchoolSubject: [*] Alan Porter's BiPlane 2.0a SpreadsheetThis is Alan Porter's BiPlane 2.0a (2/91) spreadsheet (shareware version -$59 USA, $69 Canada/Mexico, $79 outside N. America, Visa or MasterCardaccepted).If you occasionally need to put together a table (and perhaps somesimple graphs) but don't want to break for the big bucks for Excelor Wingz (for example). Then BiPlane's the spreadsheet for you.BiPlane does nearly all the things the expensive programs dowith the exception of macros. How likely are you to need aspreadsheet you can program (are macros really worth the extra$$$)?#### BINHEX birthday-alarm.hqx ****Date: Thu, 3 Sep 92 12:03:13 +0200 From: vdham@dutera.et.tudelft.nlSubject: Birthday Alarm This little utility can warn you of birthdays coming up in the next fewdays. Put an alias of the application in the startup folder. Look aheadtime, sounds and other things can be modified by the user using ResEdit.The birthdays are in a text file, which makes it very easy to modify thebirthday list.For more info: read the READ-ME file.Have Fun!Andre' C. van der Ham EMAIL: ANDREH@ET.TUDELFT.NL#### BINHEX birthday-hc.hqx ****Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 09:53:39 -0500 From: gfink@relay.nswc.navy.milSubject: [*] Birthday Stack Netters,A while back I asked for suggestions for celebrating my boss'sbirthday electronically (in true techno-weenie style). I got apaucity of responses -- apparently this is not done much. Anofficemate and I brain-stormed for a while and came up with theenclosed HyperCard stack which we put in my boss's Startup Itemsfolder (I'm the Sys Admin so I can do whatever I want ;-). He got a real kick out of it. I'm submitting this in the hopes thatthis sort of "electronic birthday 'card'" will become more commonin the future. Any copyrighted material (Music, Sound effects, and art) has been given recognition. I have substantially cut the length of some of the music to reduce both the size of thestack and the possibility of annoying anyone in the recordindustry. My special thanks goes to Weird Al, the LondonSymphony Orchestra, and my officemates. Have fun!-- Glenn Fink#### BINHEX bit-map-to-eps-201.hqx ****Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2039 03:01:48 -0500 From: markf@ccs.QueensU.CASubject: PaintToEPS V2.01 Enclosed is an update to BitMapToEPS application for converting severalformats of graphics (B&W bitmap startup screens, MacPaint, PICT, PICT2formats).Version 2.01 fixes and add the following features:* Bug: Bounding box of selected area is now correct when creating EPSfiles.* Bug: memory leak when saving PICT version of the image.* Menus are enable/disabled correctly relative to current windows open.* Added option to save QuickTime preview image to PICT files.* Added support to "Drop" open QuickTime movies on application to playthem.* Added several other minor options...What will it do?* It will read any of the above formats, or any format that you have aClaris XTND translators for. Convert it to B&W bitmap, and allow you toselect area or whole picture to be saves as a PICT or EPS file. * If QuickTime(tm) is installed, it will also allow you to play quicktimemovies and PICT. I admit it is of very limited use, but it was just to tryout quicktime routines.* Supports Cut, Copy to Clipboard, Paste).* Contains on-line help (accessed from Apple Menu).Also enclosed are two XTND translators which require Claris XTND System andapplications that support it: StartUp Screens, Windows (.BMP) formatNote: the color tables for BMP files may not match, but it does supportB&W, 16 color, 256 color formats.ShareWare $15.00 for appplication, and the two translators.NOTE: If you need other AFE or XTND translators written send me a notes. I am converting the Windows (.BMP) format XTND translator into a Apple FileExchange translator. It is in beta testing mode, some minor problems tofix and more error traping is required. My current plans are to onlyconvert from (.BMP) format to PICT format. It would be relativily easy toconvert from PICT to B&W bitmap format of .BMP, if their is a call for it. I am looking into converting .IMG files found in PC GEM, Ventura Publisher.Things to do and limitations: * limited testing on non-system 7 machines. (Tested on Classic, IIsi, LC, Mac Portable, IIci).* need to add option to work with Color or B&W images (instead of covering everything to B&W).* need to add paint editing tools: Fat Bits, eraser, selection, moving,pasting & undo.* need to add System 7 balloon help* printing does not print original picture, it prints the converted B&Wpicture.Cheers, Mark<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Macintosh Support, Computing & Communications ServicesQueen's University at Kingston, Ontario Canada, K7L 3N6Phone: (613) 545-2039, Fax: (613) 545-6798E-mail: FLEMINGM@QUCDN.QueensU.ca AppleLink: CDA0448#### BINHEX bitwise-13.hqx ****From "Eric (E.) Curtis <boston@bnr.ca>" Sun Sep 12 22:05:00 1993Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1993 16:43:00 +0000 From: "Eric (E.) Curtis" <boston@bnr.ca>Subject: util/bitwise-130.cpt.hqx Bitwise is a versatile and easy to use calculator with manyunique features. It was specifically designed for programmersof personal computers and microprocessors.Some of Bitwise' key features include:+ RPN Operating Logic+ Continuous Memory of all Registers, Modes, and Window Position on the Desktop+ Instant conversion between Hexadecimal, Decimal, Octal, and Binary+ Choose from Word Sizes of 8, 16, and 32 bits+ Backspace key corrects input errors without retyping the entire number+ Optional Byte/Nibble Marks in Binary mode+ Optional Leading Zeros in Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary modes+ Unique Pop-Up Stack Register Display with Register Selection+ Carry & Overflow Flags+ Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, and Remainder+ AND, OR, XOR, 1'S Complement, Shift Left & Shift Right+ X Y Register Exchange key+ Stack Roll Down+ Full support of Cut, Copy, and Paste to and from the Clipboard+ Display provides quick indication of Flags, Word Size, and Number Base+ Calculator's keypad can be hidden to save screen space while all functions are still available via the keyboard and numeric keypad+ Keyboard Equivalents for all calculator functions+ Works with Multiple Monitors+ 32-Bit Clean and works with Virtual Memory+ Occupies about 28K of disk space and requires only 64K of RAM+ Works with System 6.0.5 and above, including System 7Full documentation is included on all of Bitwise' features,including how to use RPN. -- Eric Curtis boston84@aol.com---#### BINHEX bmp-graphics-translation.hqx ****Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 17:32:35 EDT From: markf@ccs.QueensU.CASubject: BMP Graphics Translation Enclosed is a quick application for converting several formats of graphics(B&W bitmap startup screens, MacPaint, PICT, PICT2 formats).* It will read any of the above formats, or any format that you have aClaris XTND translators for. Convert it to B&W bitmap, and allow you toselect area or whole picture to be saves as a PICT or EPS file. * If QuickTime(tm) is installed, it will also allow you to play quicktimemovies. I admit it is of very limited uses, but it was a quick hack to tryout quicktime routines.* Supports Cut, Copy to Clipboard, but does not allow for Paste (nextrelease).* Contains on-line help (accessed from Apple Menu).Also enclosed are two XTND translators which require Claris XTND System andapplications that support it: StartUp Screens Windows (.BMP) formatNote: the color tables for BMP files may not match, but it does supportB&W, 16 color, 256 color formats.ShareWare $15.00 for Appplication, and the two translators.If their is a demand for a Apple File Exchange translator for Windows(.BMP) format I will convert the XTND translator into a AFE translatorright away. If it will be sometime next month.PS. If you need other AFE or XTND translators written send me a note.Things to do and limitations: * Rotation option sometimes crashes, and will only rotate the whole image.* Scroll bars and Zoom rect of the Viewer windows need some work (the imagedoes not scroll until you release the mouse).* limited testing on non-system 7 machines. (Tested on IIsi, LC, MacPortable, IIci).* need to add option to work with Color or B&W images, instead of coveringeverything to B&W.* need to add HyperCard style selection/pasting.* need to add System 7 balloon help* printing does not print original picture, it prints the converted B&Wpicture.Cheers, Mark<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Macintosh Support, Computing & Communications ServicesQueen's University at Kingston, Ontario Canada, K7L 3N6Phone: (613) 545-2039, Fax: (613) 545-6798E-mail: FLEMINGM@QUCDN.QueensU.ca AppleLink: CDA0448#### BINHEX bobs-eyes-pro-21.hqx ****From: ROBERTO AVANZI 338188/SM <gandalf@sabrina.dei.unipd.it>Subject: Bob's Eyes Pro 2.1 Date: Fri, 4 Dec 92 20:38:33 MET Hi people of the Net!This is version 2.1 of my Bob's Eyes Pro application.It fixes a problem with very large windows causing erraticalcrashes (now there is a limit on window sizes, sorry 20" displayowners) and allows very little windows to be opened. At smallsizes the eyes have better appearance.This file should replace version 2.0.2 and the updater, nowthat they are obsolete.CheersRoberto Avanzi<gandalf@sabrina.dei.unipd.it>(Appended is a binhexed self-extracting stuffit lite archive)#### BINHEX boring-clock-11.hqx ****From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)Date: Tue, 5 Oct 93 7:16:26 PDT(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu>); Tue, 5 Oct 1993 08:56:39+0100Message-Id: <199310050756.AA11472@groucho.phil.ruu.nl>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1993 08:58:05 +0100To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.eduFrom: Adriaan.Tijsseling@phil.ruu.nl (Adriaan Tijsseling)X-Sender: adriaan@groucho.phil.ruu.nlSubject: BoringClock? 1.1X-Attachments: :xyb 875:2:BoringClock?.pro:Dear Moderator,Here's BoringClock? version 1.1. It now safely deals with Macs withoutColor QuickDraw by putting up a dialog box and then exiting to shell.Please replace the old version with this one.Description:****************** BoringClock?1.1.hqx ***************This application is another one that displays time. However, it has somenice features such as little window ( more desktop space ), changablecolors, finder to front option, timezones.This clock package is a compact pro archive and binhexed.Enjoy it,bugreports, comments, compliments, etc to adriaan@phil.ruu.nlAdriaan Tijsseling************************************************************snail mail: Balijelaan 71-bis, | cybermail: adriaan@phil.ruu.nl 3521 GN Utrecht | The Netherlands | aerial: 030 - 948373 |warp_factor: 09-12-1969 | height( not in Megs ): 1.89 m"Never mind it nowWe can bring it backIt's total trashAnd it's a natural factThat I'm not no cow" Sonic Youth#### BINHEX bugs.hqx ****To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.eduFrom: jurjen@cwi.nl (Jurjen N.E. Bos)Date: 10 Jul 89 19:00:44 GMTOrganization: CWI, AmsterdamIn the May issue of Scientific American we had this nice idea of an"Evolution Simulator". This is a version of that program. It is niceto watch and play with for a while.Algorithm notes: The field is a pond were bugs live. A bug has health from 0-1500. Eating a bacterium gives 40 health points. Each step decreases the health by one. If the health is 0, a bug dies. A bug splits if health>1000 and age>400. The two bugs will have slightly different genes, that influence the walking pattern of the bug.Program notes: Clicking on (or near) a bug gives its status: age, health and genes. It is possible to change the bacteria growth and population. Source (THINK C 3.0) is included. It contains lots of dirty assembly code to frighten the reader and speed up the program.Reference notes: Scientific American, may 1989, column "Computer Recreations".-- | | "Never image yourself not to be otherwise than what || Jurjen N.E. Bos | it might appear to others that what you were or || | might have been was not otherwise than what you had || jurjen@cwi.nl | been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." |---#### BINHEX business-plan-master-20.hqx ****Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 02:31:50 -0800 From: Michael Ross <antigone!mross@netcom.com>Subject: *Business Plan Master 2.0 In response to a request on Info Mac v11#4, I am submitting Business Plan Master 2.0. I have no connection with the program other than occasional browser. Here is part of the Read Me file.Michael Rossmross@antigone.com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every business needs to have a plan in order to track itsprogress. There is no business too small, too large, too complex ortoo simple to avoid having a business plan. I found that manybusiness plan programs assume that you are going to raise money inthe public markets. However, the vast majority of businesses arestarted without large outside investments or fund raising campaigns.This program is designed for use by any business, large or small,whether you are raising money or not. I didn't write this program in an ivory tower some place, butout of my own business experience. For seven years, I imported cuckooclocks from the Black Forest of Germany, so this is definetly a"cuckoo" program! I have been involved in many other businessventures. I'd be lying if I said I made money with all of them.But I can truthfully say that all were successful, mainly because Ifollowed a plan and stuck to it. BUSINESS PLAN MASTER supplies you with complete template files.I give you professional formats (footnootes, tables of contents,somesimple graphics), some excellent sample text and several spreadsheetfiles for you to use. Alone these could save you many hundreds ofhours of work. Because of the wide diversity of businesses andbusiness ideas, I have tried to make these files as universal aspossible. Over time, you will likely incorporate your own languageinto the text and make modifications to the worksheets.[...]Business Plan Master is NOT a public domain program. It isCopyright (c) 1992 by David A. Works. All rights reserved.[...] IF YOU LIKE BUSINESS PLAN MASTER, PASS IT ALONG TO FRIENDS ANDBUSINESS ASSOCIATES, BBS'S OR USER'S GROUPS.Good luck and I wish you the best in your business endeavors.CompuServe 70400,153Delphi DAVIDWORKSGEnie D.WORKS3America OnLine DAVIDW2959#### BINHEX cal-302.hqx ****Date: Sun, 17 Sep 89 03:07:16 PDTFrom: oster%SOE.Berkeley.EDU@jade.berkeley.edu (David Phillip Oster)To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu, hplabs!felix!macintosh@jade.uucpThis is Cal 3.02. It is a calendar desk accessory suitable forsolo use or for shared use over a Appleshare or TOPs network.It is a permanent calendar, for any year covered by ourcurrent calendar. It handles the fact that 2000 is not aleap year but 1900 is (the division by 400 rule.)You may associate up to 32k of text with any day.Cal has on-line help, just press the Help button in the About box. It also tells you which day of the year this isand the number of days remaining in the year.Text is stored in a calendar database consisting of onemaster folder. Inside the master folder is a separatefolder for each year, inside that up to 12 folders, onefor each month, and inside that are up to 31 text files,one for each day. Since each text message is any separatefile, people can change different parts of the database simultaneously without fear.You may have many calendar databases, just use the Openbutton to select the one you want to use. Cal remembersit, so you start up using that one next time.Cal periodically checks to see if other programs havechanged the calendar database, so it can be used on anetwork.If you write protect a calendar database in the Finder,then only you will be able to change that calendar database.Also in this posting is a companion program, "Calendar Tools",which can convert calendar files from my earlier "Calendar"program. It can also pack an entire calendar database intoa single text file for maintenance. In fact, it can convert>From any of the three formats to any of the three formats.Calendar Tools can also set Cal's week to begin on any day,for you users outside the U.S.Cal is shareware. Don't pay if you don't use Cal. If you do use it, but just don'tlike it, pay and complain, and I'll do my best to resolve yourcomplaints in my next version. If you use it, and like it, pleasesend money and praise.CE Software's Calendar Maker program can import old Calendardata files, so you can print with that, for the moment.David Phillip OsterMosaic CodesSuite 20362140 Shattuck AveBerkeley, CA 94704--- David Phillip Oster Arpa: oster@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu oster@well.comUucp: {uwvax,decvax}!ucbvax!{sun,lll-crg}!well!oster#### BINHEX calconvert-105.hqx ****Date: Sat, 22 May 93 13:23:22 +0200 From: simula3@di.unito.it ( Rodella-Morena)Subject: [*] CalConvert 1.05 CalConvert (formerly QuickConvert) is a small sharewareutility that does integer arithmetic calculations andconverts integer values to different bases (decimal,hexadecimal, binary, octal or any custom base between 2 and32) or to an OSType (a sequence of four ASCII characters).The conversion may be signed or unsigned (you can alwaysenter a signed value, it will be converted to unsigned ifneeded); the result may be interpreted either as a word (2bytes) or as a long word (4 bytes). The Return and Enterkeys start the conversion; Tab, shift-Tab and the four arrowkeys have their usual meaning.Warning: CalConvert *requires* System 7.SHAREWARE - $5Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini#### BINHEX calculator-ii-123.hqx ****From "Joe Cicinelli <cicinell@saifr00.ateng.az.honeywell.com>" Fri Sep 10 00:06:34 1993Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 10:37:19 MST From: "Joe Cicinelli" <cicinell@saifr00.ateng.az.honeywell.com>Calculator II v1.23(C) Copyright 1993, Joseph G. CIcinelliAll Rights Reserved.Purpose:Calculator II is a pleasant looking color multi-function calculator that runsas an application under system 6.x or System 7. The calculator was writtenas an application to be run under MultiFinder or System 7 alongside otherapplications. It improves on AppleUs original calculator by addingtrigonometric functions, functions for base 10 and natural logorithms andtheir inverses, hex-to-decimal and decimal-to-hex conversion, a percentincrease/decrease key, a memory function for storing values across uses ofthe program, and all of these functions can be invoked by using the F-Keys onthe Apple Extended keyboard (F5 - F15). The calculator also allows users tocorrect trailing digits of values entered on the display of the calculatorthrough the use of a backspace key. A Ticker Tape is also provided todisplay the results of past calculations. Balloon help and generalinformation about the program is available under either the Help menu underSystem 6.x or the Balloon Help menu under System 7. This software is beingdistributed as FREEware so give it a try and let me know what you think! This version of the calculator contains several bug fixes and enhancements:o Fixed a couple of Balloon Help bugs that caused balloons to appear or not appear at inappropriate times.o Numbers copied to the clipboard from the calculatorUs display no longer contain leading spaces.o The calculator no longer permits the errant factorial calculations of negative numbers and 0.o Fixed a bug using the HEX and DEC keys successively to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal.o Changed the creator of the Calculator to *calc* from *CALC* to make accessing its bundle more realiable.o The Calculator now saves its preferences in a Prefs File rather than inside itself. This will permit future updates of the program with Updaters like UpdateMaker.o A new Info item was added to the Help Menu to thank all the people that have helped to make Calculator II a success.This file should replace info-mac/app/calculator-ii-122.hqx at sumex-aims.#### BINHEX calendar-maker-221.hqx ****Date: Sat, 27 Oct 90 23:33 CSTFrom: SAWATZKYJ%sask.usask.ca@forsythe.stanford.eduSubject: Calendar 2.2.1Calendar Maker 2.2.1- This will allow you to design and print calendars on your Mac._____________________________________#### BINHEX canada-tax-ontario-excel.hqx ****Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1993 20:40 EST From: "PROF. L.G. LEDUC" <LLEDUC@NICKEL.LAURENTIAN.CA>Subject: [*] Excel 3.0 Tax Forms (Ontario) Please find below Excel 3.0 tax forms for the province of Ontario,Canada for 1992.If you want to submit your tax return directly to Revenue Canada, youmust pay the shareware fee to obtain the authorization number.For more details, contact:Icicle ComputerBox 20093, Rideau East P.O.Ottawa, OntarioK1N 9N5(613) 523-0328Cheers.Leo G. Leducleo@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca#### BINHEX canada-tax92-alb.hqx ****From: Robert Szarek <szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca>Subject: 1992 Canadian Tax Templates [3] Date: Fri, 26 Feb 93 0:37:44 EST To the moderators:I forgot to mention, for more information on these templatescontact:Icicle ComputerBox 20093, Rideau East P.O.Ottawa, OntarioK1N 9N5Tel: (613) 523-0328 for info/registrationPlease place this file as "Canada-Alb-Tax92.hqx"--Robert SzarekLand Software Engineering/ DND Canadae-mail: szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca bz238@cleveland.freenet.edu aa443@freenet.carleton.ca#### BINHEX canada-tax92-bc.hqx ****From: Robert Szarek <szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca>Subject: 1992 Canadian Tax Templates [4] Date: Fri, 26 Feb 93 0:40:56 EST To the moderator:All together I am including the form for the provinces of:Alberta, British Comlumbia, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Ontario.Please place file as "Canada-BC-Tax92.hqx"--Robert SzarekLand Software Engineering/ DND Canadae-mail: szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca#### BINHEX canada-tax92-ns.hqx ****From: Robert Szarek <szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca>Subject: 1992 Canadian Tax Templates [5] Date: Fri, 26 Feb 93 0:45:07 EST To the moderators:The final result should be:-rw-r----- 1 szarek users 174513 Feb 25 22:36 Alberta-Canada-Tax-92.cptx-rw-r----- 1 szarek users 179595 Feb 25 22:36 BC-Canada-Tax-92.cpt.hqx-rw-r----- 1 szarek users 174298 Feb 25 22:36 NS-Canada-Tax-92.cpt.hqx-rw-r----- 1 szarek users 196191 Feb 25 22:36 Ontario-Canada-Tax-92.cptx-rw-r----- 1 szarek users 167008 Feb 25 22:37 Quebec-Canada-Tax-92.cpt.xPlease place this file as "Canada-NS-Tax92.hqx"--Robert SzarekLand Software Engineering/ DND Canadae-mail: szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca#### BINHEX canada-tax92-ont.hqx ****From: Robert Szarek <szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca>Subject: 1992 Canadian Tax Templates [2] Date: Fri, 26 Feb 93 0:32:25 EST To the moderators:Please place this binhexed file as "Canada-Ont-Tax92.hqx"--Robert SzarekLand Software Engineering/ DND Canadae-mail: szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca bz238@cleveland.freenet.edu aa443@freenet.carleton.ca#### BINHEX canada-tax92-qc.hqx ****From: Robert Szarek <szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca>Subject: 1992 Canadian Tax Templates Date: Fri, 26 Feb 93 0:29:03 EST To the moderators:I will be uploading five files that are tax templates to beused by Canadian users. All the templates shall be in Excel 3format. These forms are shareware. The cost is $25 for newusers and $15 for registered users of last years templates.The templates are complete Canadian Income Tax returns whichinclude T1 General, Schedules 1 thru 8, Child Care Expenses,and Capital Gains froms. These templates are approved fordirect submission by Revenue Canada.Please place binhexed file in the archive as "Canada-Qc-Tax92.hqx".---Robert A. SzarekLand Software Engineering/ DND Canadae-mail: szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca bz238@cleveland.freenet.edu aa443@freenet.carleton.ca#### BINHEX canary-hc.hqx ****Subject: Canary, A Music Editing Stack Date: Sun, 13 Sep 92 22:34:57 -0700 From: Jack Repenning <jackr@dblues.wpd.sgi.com>Here's a pretty cool contribution for the archives. I have noconnection with the program, authors, or publisher. But when I ranacross the program, it seemed like just the sort of great thing thatought to be in the archives! The accompanying notice (and a bit ofthe about box) sez: Canary is an impressive HyperCard music editing, composing, learning, playing, sequencing system. It's got XCMDs galore, it's got a graphical editor, it's even got MIDI capabilities. Take a look; you might enjoy it. And since Canary is shareware, feel free to pass it on to all your friends! Canary was designed to make HyperCard song creation as efficient as creating songs using professional sequencing software.#### BINHEX carp-20.hqx ****Subject: Carp 2.0 (hqx) Date: Tue, 03 Nov 92 11:07:18 PST From: David Barto <barto%megatek.UUCP@UCSD.EDU>My first submission. I have been a happy user for many monthsnow.You have to pay the shareware (worth it) to unlock it.(I don't know what is is unlocked when you pay, I got thiscopy by paying for Carp 1.2)Smashed with Stuffit 1.6Project: A decent audio CD ROM interface.Code Name: CARP (Craig's Audio ROM Player)Features 1. Designed for System Seven and systems with Color! 2. Eject, Stop, Play, Pause, Previous, Next, and Scan functions. 3. NO INITUs or CDEV's 4. Small Convenient Display. 5. You can quit the app without interrupting the play. 6. Wrap around direction buttons. 7. Only uses 256K of RAM, you can quit if you need the memory! 8. Runs in background with NO noticeable decrease in system performance. 9. Auto Start Play when Audio CD is mounted.10. Auto repeats CD11. Works with screen savers.12. 32 bit Clean.-------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------#### BINHEX casio-multiple-clocks.hqx ****17-Apr-87 11 45 18-PDT,34208;000000000001Return-Path <FRUIN%HLERUL5.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>Received from lindy.STANFORD.EDU by SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU with TCP; Fri, 17 Apr 87 11 44 46 PDTReceived by lindy.STANFORD.EDU; Fri, 17 Apr 87 11 44 27 PSTDate Fri, 17 Apr 87 11 02 08 PSTFrom <FRUIN%HLERUL5.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>To INFO-MAC@sumex-aim.stanford.eduSubject Casio multiple clocks desk accessoryDate Fri, 17 Apr 87 17 53 NFrom <FRUIN@HLERUL5.BITNET> (Thomas Fruin)Subject Casio multiple clocks desk accessoryTo INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDUX-Original-To INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU, FRUINSomeone uploaded this gorgious desk accessory to SAGAnet, theMac BBS in Amsterdam. It's meant to replace the Alarm Clock,but contains much more than just the time and date.Casio also has 10 Elapsed Timers (each with an editable title),10 Countdown Timers (also with title), 10 Alarm Clocks (yes,with titles) and 9 Time Zones (with titles) that show the timein other countries like TimeZone does.The whole thing is packaged into a little window that takes uphardly any more space than the standard Alarm Clock. It's areal beauty and a bargain too. The author, Ralph Muha, onlywants $ 5 for it if you decide to keep it. And who wouldn't?-- Thomas FRUIN@HLERUL5.BITNET thomas@uvabick.UUCP Leiden University, Netherlands#### BINHEX casio-talk-205.hqx ****Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1992 18:41 +1300 From: DAVID DAVIES-PAYNE <DAVPAYNE@otago.ac.nz>Subject: CasioTalk 2.0.5 CasioTalk is a Macintosh application that allows for transfer ofdata between any Macintosh computer and a Casio BOSS digitaldiary. Contains documentation and specifications for buildinga hardware interface. System 7 aware. Version 2.0.5Shareware---#### BINHEX cassette-librarian-31-hc.hqx ****From: Andrew Terrance Trembley <andrewt@csd4.csd.uwm.edu>Subject: [*] Cassette Index Card HC Stack Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 16:05:32 CST Improved Cassette Librarian 3.1(A HyperCard 2.x Stack for creating index cards for cassette boxes)About 3 years back, I got a HC stack for creating index cards forcassettes. I liked the layout, and some of the command structure. However,I hated the fact that it only allowed 2 cards. I wrote a system based onthat one, and used it for a few months. Two complete rewrites later, here'swhat we have.ICL 3.1 is shareware. If you like it, send me money (I'm a poor student, Ican use all I can get).as always, I'm... Andy Trembley andrewt@csd4.csd.uwm.edu"There ain't no such thing as "Safe Sex" with you... ...Mostly 'cause there ain't no such thing as ANY sex with you!" -- Rev. Teddisclaimer: What? Me worry?***** Cut Here *****#### BINHEX cc-converter.hqx ****From: ksanders@waite.adelaide.edu.au (Kevin Sanderson)Subject: CC converter.sit.hqx submissionDate: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 16:54:49 +1030 (CST)Current Contents Converter (CC converter) is a utility that converts informationdownloaded from a Current Contents database either into a format (Refer/BibIX)that can be imported into most bibliographic programs or into a more 'readable'form. It was designed for use with the CAUL Current Contents online servicewhich is available at all Australian universities. Your mileage with otherdatabases may vary :) Kevin Sanderson ksanders@waite.adelaide.edu.au#### BINHEX chaos-explorer-01b.hqx ****Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 17:21:08 -0700 From: brochman@sfu.caSubject: Upload Herewith updated, debugged version of software existing on system.Harold Brochmann 604-926-6716.1-D Chaos Explorer v0.1b 1992 by Matthew HallEnclosed is a binhexed, self extracting archive containing 1-d Chaos explorer and related files. This latest release fixes abug in the earlier version which caused the display on black and white monitors to be rather, well, unpleasant. Also isincluded, by popular (1 vote) demand, a non-fpu version of theprogram and some additional help.1-D Chaos Explorer is an application designed to explore thedynamics of functions on the real line. It allows you to type in any function of one variable (and a parameter) and will let you explore such topics as chaos, period doubling, Cantorsets (fractals) and others through a variety of graphs and plots (plain graph, orbital densities, escape times and theever popular bifurcation plot). Also includes ability toperform Newton's method. This application was designed to give an intuitive feel fordynamics on the real line, and I hope, is a good introductionto chaos for high school level math and upThis application will work on any computer. Another versionis included to take advantage of computers equipped with a math coprocessor. Will run in limited color on color Macintoshes, includes on-line help, and programming help tolet you include your own plug-in (read 'much faster thaninterpreted') functions. 1-D Chaos Explorer is Shareware.If you keep it, like it, and especially if you learn somethingfrom it, please send $5 or $10.Matt Hall(during school year, I can be reached at mhall@occs.cs.edu)#### BINHEX chaos-simulator.hqx ****Date: Thu, 8 Oct 92 16:12:13 -0700 From: brochman@sfu.caSubject: upload Please delete my previous contribution CHAOS - SIMULATOR.HQX.... andreplace it with this new, better version.#### BINHEX chem-edit-10.hqx ****Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1992 15:01:07 +0000 From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>Subject: [*] ChemEdit 1.0 Date 10/2/92Subject [*] ChemEdit 1.0From Elliot BennettTo Info- mac Subject [*] ChemEdit 1.0 2/10/92 2:40 PMA couple digests ago I asked for info about chemistry software. David Allenreplied with the info given below and Les Ferch sent me ChemEdit 1.0 (as nearas I can tell a Freeware program) which seems to be really good so I amsending along for the SUMEX archives. Hope others can use this as well...Elliot Bennettelliot@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de ======================I saw your note on the Info-mac digest. ChemIntosh is a DA/Application fordrawing chemical structures for publications, etc. It can also be usedsomehow for preparing structure queries for searching Chemical AbstractsOnline. The company to contact is SoftShell, phone (303) 242-7502, address2754 Compass Drive, Suite 375, Grand Junction, CO 81506 USA.Regarding the Beaker program: if I am not mistaken, this is an educationalprogram developed at the University of Michigan. Contact Ms. NancyKonigsberg-Kerner, Department of Chemistry, The University of Michigan, AnnArbor, MI 48109-1055 USA. I don't have her telephone number, but theinformation number at the University is (313) 764-1817.Best of luck.David AllanDow Chemical#### BINHEX chess-album-10-hc.hqx ****Date: 13 Nov 92 06:55 EST From: science@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Mark Zimmermann)Subject: chess album stack appended below is a short (6kB or so) compact'd binhex'd Hypercard 2stack, Chess Album v.1.0 --- it may be useful for recording correspondencechess games --- drag pieces around a board, type moves into a field, etc.Very simple stuff (in HyperCard!).... ^z#### BINHEX claris-works-20-demo.hqx ****Date: Thu, 13 May 93 10:51 CST From: "Mark Dohm, Apple Student Rep." <MARKMAD@macc.wisc.edu>Subject: ClarisWorks 2.0 Demo (submission) Here is ClarisWorks version 2.0 Demonstration It's packed with a lot of newfeatures and enhancements and runs on only 950k!!!A self-extracting file.EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Youll need a Macintosh that meets the following systemrequirements: - At least 1MB of RAM memory (2MB for System 7) - Hard disk drivewith 1.5MB of storage available - System software 6.0.5 or later, or System 7* You can open and create files, but you cant save them.* You can use all of the word processing, charting, spreadsheet, outlining, database, drawing, and painting features, except for:the 110,000-word spelling checker or the 660,000-word thesaurus,the on-screen help system covering 100% of the ClarisWorks features,and Balloon help for System 7 users.* You cannot use the Communications environment.* Only a sampling from the over 30 import/export file filters have beenincluded.* when printing, the words "clarisworks demonstration" are imprinted.---------------------------------------------#### BINHEX claris-works-loan-amortization.hqx ****Date: 02 Mar 1993 09:41:46 -0600 (CST) From: "Thomas L. Hausmann" <HAUSMANN@iscsvax.uni.edu>Subject: [*] loan-amort-table.hqx (ClarisWorks SS) This is the loan amortization table developed in ClarisWorks from the March1993 MacWorld.-TomThomas L. HausmannAssistant Professor of Computer ScienceDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of Northern IowaCedar Falls, Iowa USA 50614-0507hausmann@nova.cs.uni.eduhausmann@aol.com(This BinHex file created by DownLine 1.1)#### BINHEX claris-works-macros.hqx ****Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 11:06 ESTFrom: DAVE@unirel.a1.clemson.eduSubject: ClarisWorks macrosFrom: NAME: David J. Crockett FUNC: News Services TEL: 656-3859 <DAVE AT A1 AT UNIREL>To: in%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@mrgateAttached is a binhexed CompactPro archive of some helpful keyboard macros I created for use with ClarisWorks 2.0's VT102 communications emulation. Here's a little background from the READ ME file I've included:>They were especially designed for use in conjunction with Digital's >All-in-One Office Automation package, but should work anywhere the >VT100 emulation is used.>>Specifically, these macros allow users of Macintosh keyboards >(both standard and extended) to employ all of the edit functions >available on the VT series keyboards. They are especially useful>for standard keyboard users because Macintosh (for reasons >unknown) maps the "+" and "-" calculator keys differently on the>two keyboards. The keys are supposed to serve the "paste" and >"cut" functions, but only operate properly on the extended keyboard.>>In addition, users of both keyboards do not have the "find," "insert,">"remove," "select," "previous screen" and "next screen" user functions>available to them in Claris' VT102 emulation. >>Claris is aware of the impact of these shortcomings on their >emulation package, but hasn't seen fit to fix it yet. A real pain! Hope these are helpful to anyone using ClarisWorks for communications.-Dave<crocket@prism.clemson.edu>Author: David J. Crockett Date: 17-Nov-1993Posted-date: 17-Nov-1993Subject: test hqx #### BINHEX claris-works-school-dbs.hqx ****From "macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)" Sat Sep 18 22:46:11 1993From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 22:46:09 PDT(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu); Fri, 17 Sep 1993 06:04:37-0500Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 05:55:05 -0500 (CDT)From: Roger Barrus <barrus@tenet.edu>Subject: CWAdmin.Data.hqxTo: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.eduMessage-Id: <Pine.3.03.9309170505.A3812-h101000@Alice-Thurman.tenet.edu>Mime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="0-132327797-748263875:#3812"--0-132327797-748263875:#3812Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCIII am submitting this file to you for posting. :-) Maybe someone will findit useful. The description is below. Please let me know if the file isposted and where, if possible. I am new at this so I am not sure I amsending this in appropriately.Thanks for doing a great job with Info-Mac !!!File: CWAdmin.Data.hqx Author: Roger A. Barrus , barrus@tenet.edu , AOL RogerB1583 Equipment: Macintosh Requires for use: ClarisWorks 2.0 Fees (if any): Shareware Description:% School Administrator Databases% This file contains five ClarisWorks databases that are designed toincrease the productivity of public school administrators and their staff.They require ClarisWorks 2.0. % Transfer Data- This database keeps track of requests for transfer offunds from one account to another. It also has a form layout for printingyour request. % Budget Database- This database is used keep an up to date balance ofaccounts. It is designed to calculate balances. You no longer need yourcalculator ! % Budget P.O.- This database is used to process purchase orders. All youdo is enter all of the pertinent information. ClarisWorks 2.0 does therest! One layout is used to print your purchase order request on anexisting form. (You may have to arrange it to fit your forms.) % Student Database- This database is used for student demographic data. Italso has a birthday layout so that you can send birthday notes to yourstudents by mail merging! % Student Discipline Data- This is the latest database that I havedeveloped. This database is used to keep track of student discipline. Ittakes advantage of one of ClarisWorks 2.0 's newest feature, auto entry.This feature makes it very easy to enter discipline data. Scanned for viruses with S.A.M. 3.5.3--0-132327797-748263875:#3812Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="CWAdmin.Data.hqx"Content-ID: <Pine.3.03.9309170635.B3812@Alice-Thurman.tenet.edu>Content-Description: #### BINHEX class-record-book.hqx ****Date: Fri, 15 Nov 91 15:06:01 CST From: Joe Schiller <joe@sparc.ncpa.olemiss.edu>Subject: crb This program, Class Record Book, allows the user to maintain a data baseof class members by class and the grades they receive.This file compacted with stuffit, then binhex 4.0.#### BINHEX clips-43.hqx ****Date: Tue, 28 Jan 92 09:47:58 CST From: bwalls@marvin.msfc.nasa.govSubject: Clips 4.3 The Clips package, up to version 5.1 now, is available for the Macintosh.The version I currently have is 4.3, which was a very solid release.When I started checking around on this, I found out that the softwarereally is public domain (I had been told that it wasn't). As a result,it is quite legal to pass around copies.Clips was developed by the Johnson SpaceFlight Center of NASA, and is still under development. Both the soft-ware and support are available to the US Government and contractors,which often includes professors working on government grants orcontracts. If you work directly for the government, or on a contractor grant, you should contact the CLIPS User's Help Desk at the addressshown below.For the general public, Clips is available through COSMIC, which is thegovernment's software marketing place (scary, huh?). From COSMIC, thesoftware costs $350, with docs at $140. There is an educational discountof 50% on the software cost, but not the docs. Software upgrade costis $200. These are the folks who told me that it is public domain. The prices seem high for a break-even affair, but I guess that is the governmentversion of shareware.An alternative to copying the docs or buying them from COSMIC is to pick up"Expert Systems -- Principles and Programming by Giarratano & Riley". Thebook is pretty good, and Giarratano wrote most of the "official" docs.The book comes with CLIPS 4.2 for DOS, but I don't think the docs havechanged much in the intervening releases.COSMIC can be contacted with questions at service@cossack.cosmic.uga.edu, orconventionally at COSMIC 382 E Broad Athens, GA 30602 (404)542-3265The CLIPS User's Help Desk is at CLIPS User's Help Desk/M30 Computer Sciences Corporation 16511 Space Center Bolevard Houston, TX 77058 (713)280-2233.mark ATTN: CLIPS users group if you are interested in joining.I'm submitting CLIPS 4.3. I'll upload 5.1 when I get a copy.Bryan Wallsbwalls@marvin.msfc.nasa.gov#### BINHEX clocks.hqx ****From: u9119523@sys.uea.ac.uk (Graham "Coxy" Cox)Subject: No Subject!Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 15:13:49 GMT--========================_7615666==_Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Three cool clocks. Oh no, not more clocks!!! Nice digital, colour formats,and one analogue.--========================_7615666==_Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary#### BINHEX coin-master-20-hc.hqx ****Date: 01 May 1993 11:49:17 -0500 (EST) From: "Me Chief, Slinging Bull." <NWCS2@utkvx.utk.edu>Subject: CoinMaster 2.0 Hypercard Stack This is CoinMaster 2.0 by Neil Schulman. CoinMaster is a Hypercard based program which catalogs U.S. Coins. It is quite thorough and very intuitive. It makes use of the function keys, balloon help, non-balloon help, and pop-up as well as regular menus.CoinMaster requires Hypercard 2.1 and any requirements that Hypercard 2.1 has. It is not crippled in any way, but a shareware fee is requested. See the credits for more information.Send all e-mail inquiries to nwcs@utkvx.utk.edu --or-- nwcs@delphi.com#### BINHEX color-globe.hqx ****From: pwp@shamash.cdc.com (Pete Poorman - HOUFAC)To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.eduDate: Tue, 29 Aug 89 16:46:02 CDTFollowing is a binhexed Stuffit archive of "Color Globe", authored byPaul Mercer.This progam draws a spinning color globe in a small window. Interestingto run in the background under Multifinder. Includes menu options to controlspeed, display of drawing rate and to align the window.Try experimenting with overlapping other windows. Makes very obvious howthe shape of the clip region and the alignment of the PortRect affect theperformance of CopyBits!Original source unknown (I found it on a BBS in Houston).-- Peter W. Poormanpwp@shamash.cdc.com#### BINHEX color-model-clock-12-updt.hqx ****From "J Eric Bush <jbush@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>" Sun Sep 12 00:46:46 1993From: J Eric Bush <jbush@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>Subject: color-model-clock-12-updater.hqx Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 9:43:03 EDT Color Model Clock is a desktop clock that is designed to run inthe background while you are working in other applications. Ittells the date, time, and allows you to set alarms. The programallows you to choose between 20 pictures in two sizes to displaywith the clock. The pictures are of super model Cindy Crawford.This program requires System 6.0.4 or later and Color QuickDraw.This is an update program that will convert existing version 1.1to version 1.2. If you do not have version 1.2, it has also beensubmitted. The program is Shareware $10.00Note: Other versions of this program have been stored in:info-mac/util#### BINHEX color-model-clock-12.hqx ****From "J Eric Bush <jbush@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>" Sun Sep 12 00:47:23 1993From: J Eric Bush <jbush@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>Subject: color-model-clock-12.hqx Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 9:45:45 EDT Color Model Clock is a desktop clock that is designed to run inthe background while you are working in other applications. Ittells the date, time, and allows you to set alarms. The programallows you to choose between 20 pictures in two sizes to displaywith the clock. The pictures are of super model Cindy Crawford.This program requires System 6.0.4 or later and Color QuickDraw.Version 1.2 fixes a few flaws when working with more than onemonitor setups.The program is Shareware $10.00Note: Previous versions of this program have been stored in the:info-mac/util directory#### BINHEX color-picture-viewer.hqx ****Date: Wed, 1 May 1991 05:51 PSTFrom: MOOREHOUSE@cisco.nosc.milSubject: Color Picture ViewerGreetings, I would like to submit this program to the info-macarchives. It is a color picture viewer for color Macintoshmachines. It is very similiar to Apple's PICTViewer with a coupleof minor additions: - Multiple PICT files may be viewed - If enough RAM is available picture will be loaded and drawn else PICT spooling - Looks for color palette info in PICT, if it finds info it will build a color palette (using Palette Mgr) and display PICT using color palette - PICTs are automatically dithered if the depth of monitor is less than the depth of PICT->pixmaps - If you put the program into a folder with multiple PICT files and select all the PICT files along with the application and select "Open" from the Finder "File" menu the application will attempt to open & display all of the selected PICT files. - Built in Scale popup menu (25% - 400%) I would appreciate any comments.-Mike MorehouseVersion 1.0.1 of Color Picture Viewer Program#### BINHEX colorize-31.hqx ****Date: 23 Mar 92 09:04:41 U From: "Neal Trautman" <Neal_Trautman@alinkgateway.farallon.com>Subject: Colorize.sit.hqx for posting Unknown Microsoft mail form. Approximate representation follows.From: Neal Trautman on Mon, Mar 23, 1992 9:04 AMSubject: Colorize.sit.hqx for postingTo: macgiftUse Colorize to add color to ANY and all Macintosh applications!!!Allows you to color Dialogs, Windows, Controls, and the MenuBar.Each application can have different colors. New Version 3.01 iscompatible with all Macs and System 7.0.by Neal Trautman -- Enjoy..... neal@farallon.com#### BINHEX colortime-10.hqx ****Date: Mon, 23 Nov 92 10:29:54 -0700 From: Patrick Emerson Sirr <sirr@pogo.den.mmc.com>Subject: ColorTime1.0.hqx Hardware Needs : Mac Plus or UpSoftware Needs : System 6.0.x or upDescription : This program provides children the ability tocreate high quality images with minimum physical dexterity. Thisversion is an update to ColorTime0.0 which was the first releaseand, of course, had some bugs. Extensions are available - seeabout dialog - which can greatly increase the number of backgroundsand pictures. #### BINHEX colour-paint-10.hqx ****Subject: Colour Paint 1.0 Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 13:46:35 +0100 From: David Rees <D.Rees@cs.ucl.ac.uk>A small and simple colour paint program, for those times when you only have ameg of memory left and need to see that PICT image (especially if its4 or 16 colours, which many paint programs will not answer too).Copes with all bit-depths, and multiple paintings of different depths.Needs a 68020 Mac with system 6.0.5 upwards, 32 bit Quickdraw, + 1280K RAM(or 512K if things are really tight and the image is small).The program is workware - if you know of a good computer graphics job/consultancygoing spare (especially SF & Bay Area or Southern England), please send mean email - otherwise, its free!--------------------David Rees,D.Rees@cs.ucl.ac.uk--------------------Binhexed Compactor Pro archive.#### BINHEX concordance-171.hqx ****Date: 05 Feb 1993 15:40:25 -0600 (CST) From: "Evan L. Antworth 214/709-2418" <ANTWORTH@am.dallas.sil.org>Subject: Conc171.sea.hqx --Boundary (ID JjhW4TiQIpF2/vefRFQ6uw)Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCIIThis is version 1.71 of Conc, a concordance generating program writtenby John Thomson of the Summer Institute of Linguistics. This shouldreplace version 1.70 on all network archives. Differences include a fewbug fixes and a couple modest enhancements.Evan AntworthSummer Institute of Linguistics7500 W. Camp Wisdom RoadDallas, TX 75236U.S.A.tel 214-709-2418fax 214-709-2433e-mail antworth@am.dallas.sil.org, evan@sil.org--Boundary (ID JjhW4TiQIpF2/vefRFQ6uw)Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII#### BINHEX cool-address-book-061.hqx ****Subject: CAB061.sea.hqx.txtDate: Fri, 8 Oct 1993 14:43:57 -0500 (CDT)From: Kent E. Pilkington <kep@gandalf.baylor.edu>The Cool Address Book Version 0.61 Shareware $3 Image Works Plus 8124 Cross St. North Richland Hills, TX 76180 This is an early release of the Cool Address Book. Many more features areplaned, but I figured many people would find it useful as it is. I worked veryhard on it until I got it to it's current condition. Since then I have justbeen using it. It has come in very handy. So, I am testing the market for yet, another address program. If you are not adata-base programer - I think you will like this one a great deal. The buttons will run the entire program. You do not need to mess with the menus, but youcan if you want. If you like this version and register it with a $3 shareware fee, all futureupdates will be free to you. If you send a disk and an envelope with two stampson it, I will fill it up with my other programs and send it back to you. If atleast 10 people register this program, I will polish it up and add all thefeatures that are planned. Special Notes: % The Cool Address Book does import TEXT files. % The CoolAddress Book does not export text files to other programs - yet, but it will. %The Remind feature has not been installed yet, but soon it will show you a listof everyone in your address book with birthdays of any month. % There is notHelp feature yet, but a nice one is planned. % The ZipCode bar code feature hasnot been added yet. % The Cool Address Book should work fine with the HyperCardPlayer program except for the Find feature which will not work right now. Hey this program is still in development -- so send me your ideas. If I can Iwill incorperate them into the design. Thank you for your support.#### BINHEX dabase-209.hqx ****Date: Sun, 2 Aug 92 20:11:23 -0400 From: Takeshi Miyazaki <miyazaki@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>Subject: DAbase v2.09 DAbase v2.09 is a Desk Accessory Database program. I got this from a commercial BBS. Unregisterated version expires after 200 uses.Shareware $15. ----------DAbase is a Desk Accessory that provides access to dBASE- compatible databasefiles. These files can usually be recognized by the '.DBF' extension at the end of the filename. Programs which produce .DBF files include FoxBase, McMax, and the IBM versions ofdBASE, including dBASE III and III+.It should be noted that neither dBASE Mac, nor dBASE IV saves files in this format.----------Takeshi Miyazaki (miyazaki@ee.princeton.edu)#### BINHEX daily-deeds-12.hqx ****Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 10:31:58 +0000 From: Leo W <Leo_W@qm.server.ufl.edu>Subject: DailyDeeds 1.2 Submission This submission is DailyDeeds version 1.2, which fixes the Page Setup bug reported to me. It should replace earlier versions of DailyDeeds.What DailyDeeds IsDailyDeeds is an application you use to track and report what you do with your time on the job. It is intended for hard working folks who have many different tasks during their workday, and like to produce a periodic accounting of how much time is spent on each of their tasks.DailyDeeds is no-warranty as-is freeware. You can copy it freely and give it to anyone anywhere. #### BINHEX dali-clock-20.hqx ****Date: Tue, 3 Aug 93 23:51:51 EDT From: rongut@au-bon-pain.lcs.mit.edu (Ron Gut)Subject: Dali-2.hqx ok,previously, I sent the header without the clock. oops.so here I go again:Here is Dali clock version 2.0. This clock:* Has a round, resizable face.* Lets the user place any number (or string) anywhere on the face of the clock.* Will now follow whatever numbering scheme was entered -- so it will travel clockwise and counter clockwise, or in zigzag too.* features full color.* a second hand (doesn't sound like much, but the original lacked that)* and for System 7 users: can switch to the background after being launched - useful if put in the Startup Items folder.Enjoy,Ron Gutrongut@abp.lcs.mit.edu#### BINHEX darkness-202.hqx ****Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 21:40:14 -0400 (EDT)From: "Michael A. Libes" <ml10+@andrew.cmu.edu>Subject: Darkness 2.0.2Darkness - an extendible Multifinder screen saver system by LunarmobiscuitToo many people thought Darkness 1.0.1 would make a good upgrade for v2.0.1.I fixed all the problems people had with v2.0.1 and added some newfeatures to the SetDarkness program. I hope this pleases everyone.Enjoy... - Lunarmobiscuit---#### BINHEX data-flow-diagram-ed-12.hqx ****Subject: dfd-editor-12.hqx Date: Tue, 29 Sep 92 10:58:09 CDT From: Mike Pearce <pearce@hook.corp.mot.com>D F D E d i t o r v 1.2Copyright Richard Friend 1992.DFDEditor was written using THINK Pascal 3.01.It is an application to implement the editing ofData Flow Diagrams with additional data dictionaryfeatures incorporated in the new version.After some pretty positive feedback here's the newversion of DFDEditor. Version 1.2 includes a previewfacility (which is a bit of a lame excuse for a newversion), data dictionary/freeform-text for objectsand report generation.Most of the old bugs have been ironed out of it but I'msure some still remain. As usual with software you getfrom the archives however, the author (that's me)accepts no responsibility for any problems that mayoccur due to the use of the application.If you find the application useful in any way thenplease send me $10 dollars or something nice like apostcard of your home town. This does NOT apply tostudents (apart from the postcard bit - all you dowhen you're a student is sit around all day waitingfor some appalling sit-com to come on the TV (I know),so you can write me a postcard while you're waiting)since I could never afford to send any money when I wasa student. Richard Friend 22 Albemarle Rd Bilton HULL HU11 4DR England.Unfortunately I can't be reached by EMail since I'mno longer residing in the carefree haven of academia.The big wide world awaits me!Well, thanks for showing an interest and taking thetime to download version 1.2. Bye.#### BINHEX data-thief-108.hqx ****From: Kees Huyser <keeshu@paramount.nikhefk.nikhef.nl>Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 16:27:36 +0100 Subject: DataThief version 1.0.8 Organization: the National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High EnergyDataThief version 1.0.8DataThief is a program to reverse engineer a set of data from agiven plot in a magazine or journal. This program gives you theopportunity to incorporate somebody else's data points in yourplots. This comes in very handy when f.i. you would like tocompare your data with the data in a published article for whichyou don't have the data in table format.* Kees Huyser (System Adminstrator and resident Macintosh Guru ) ** internet: keeshu@paramount.nikhefk.nikhef.nl AppleLink: HOL0397 ** The National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High-Energy Physics, CSG/K ** P.O.Box 4395, 1009 AJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, phone:+31205922132 *==========================<snip>================================#### BINHEX database-hc.hqx ****Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 11:04:44 +0200 From: lho@biobase.aau.dk (Lars Henrik Oestergaard)Subject: DataBase #### BINHEX date.hqx ****From: macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (Info-Mac Moderator)Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1992 10:08:33 PSTThis Freeware cdev is for formatting the date in applications that usethe long and abbreviated date formats, such as WriteNow® for Macintosh.Feel free to give it to anyone and everyone. Please do not alter or sell it.Written to help WriteNow users by Andy JeffreyCopyright 1988, 1990, 1992 T/Maker Company. All rights reserved.#### BINHEX dcad-calculator-39.hqx ****Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 15:57:50 CSTFrom: Robert J. Hammen <hammen@csd4.milw.wisc.edu>To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu, macintosh@dhw68k.cts.comThis is version 3.9 of Desktop CAD's scientific and programmer's calculatorDA. Many bug fixes, plus improved keypad support which should cover allmachines.#### BINHEX dentistry-courseware-demo.hqx ****Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 16:06:33 ESTFrom: Benoit David <benoit@MEDENT.UMontreal.CA>Subject: AAMNv1.0_DemoBill,Here is an interactive demo of one of our coursewares in Dentistry.It was developed with Director 3.0.It was compacted & Binhexed with Stuffit Lite 3.0.1 .This courseware is about the Anatomy & Anaesthesia of the Mandibular Nerve. It contains 3 chapters covering the theoretical information : Osteology, Dissection & Clinic; and a Quiz section separated in 2 modules: a questionnaire designed to test the newly acquired knowledge on dissection, plus an anatomical puzzle on the cranial bones.All through the courseware, the content is supported by over 100 photographs & schematics in 256 colors, on which areas are identified in different ways, by clicking on highlighted words in the text accompanying them.It is available for the Macintosh and the PC, in English & French.Benoit Davidbenoit@medent.umontreal.ca(514) 343-6111 ext 3418 + #Universite de Montreal#### BINHEX designer-draw.hqx ****Date: Mon, 09 Mar 92 08:02:25 EST From: Wendy Farkas <FARKAS@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>Subject: DesignerDraw Author Paul Hyman doesn't have Internet access, so he gave his permissionfor me to upload his program. This is a program for drawing diagrams(organization charts, block diagrams, structure charts, dataflow diagrams andflow charts). For these tasks, diagram drawing is much easier and faster withthis program than with general purpose drawing programs. This version includesa useful HyperCard help stack and sample diagrams. Although the program isno longer supported (and is now freeware!), the author welcomes bugreports (his Compuserve address is provided).Glad to finally have something to offer the Digest after so many months ofhelpful downloads.Wendy Farkas Virginia Tech-------------------------------------cut here--------------------------------#### BINHEX desk-mates-102.hqx ****Date: 20 Apr 1993 10:34:21 U From: "Glenn Rosen" <gdr@dyslab.bih.harvard.edu>Subject: [*] Deskmates 1.0.2 - Utility app This is an update to DeskMates that fixes some bugs in the previous version(/info-mac/app/desk-mates-10.hqx). The archive is a self-extracting stuffitarchive. Please direct all comments to the author.This is a shareware program containing:1. An analog clock2. A notebook:3. A stopwatch:4. A calculator:5. A calendar:6. Alarm clock:7. Date Pad:8. On-line help system/customization:9. Compatibility:It is compatible with Macintoshes with system 6.05 and above,including system 7, and will run on any screen depth as long as colorquickdraw is installed in your system folder. It has been tested onthe following models: PowerBook 140, 170, 180, LC III, IIci, IIvx andQuadra 700.10. The hidden salutation:There is a hidden salutation (the Aussie way) within the programsomewhere. Good luck finding it.Evolutionary Log##############DeskMates v1.0.1#Calculator handling of the logarithms of zero were fixed (thanks toAshley b Bush).#TickClock alarms are now able to sound continuously until cancelledby the user by clicking on the stopwatch text field.#Support for 24bit color using gWorld routines replaced the olderpixmap routines.DeskMates v1.0.2#Start up configuration customizable through the Preferences menuitem: based an email user suggestion. Clock options dialog simplifiedwith removal of redundant Show at startup option.#Alaska was added to the American time options: user suggestion.#Calculator upgrade: financial functions added (annuity and compoundSANE functions implemented); hyperbolic functions added.#Day Sheet Pad added. To allow easy reminders of the date.#Preferences menu item added to allow customization of startupsettings and setting of any window's position.#Calendar error fixed: when the current day of the month was onewhose first day of the month equivalent in the first line of thecalendar was unfilled (did you understand this?).#Color QuickDraw required error alert. DeskMates formerly crashedMacintoshes running without Color QuickDraw installed. An alert hasnow been added and the clock window will not show without ColorQuickDraw installed when DeskMates is started.#### BINHEX desk-mates-11.hqx ****Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 11:37:58 -0500 (EST) From: David Darby <ddarby@bih.harvard.edu>Subject: Re: DeskMates upgrade - Mac utility --1918933890-632125797-748802364:#14174Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCIIDear Moderators, here's to trying again (DeskMates v1.1). The text headeralso sent again (and the intro message):Dear ModeratorsPlease accept the attached application (.sea and binhexed) and descriptivetext file for uploading to your archives. It is an updated version ofDeskMates which you already archive. Thanks for you consideration. I willbe uploading newer versions in the next few months also.Please inform me if there are any difficulties.Yours sincerelyDavid Darby--1918933890-632125797-748802364:#14174Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="DeskMates.sea.hqx"Content-ID: <Pine.3.05.9309231123.F14174@mercury>Content-Description: #### BINHEX desk-tools-20.hqx ****Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 07:43:11 -0400 From: gmisassoc <gmisrod@access.digex.net>Subject: submit DeskTools.2.0 Dear Moderator, Below is version 2.0 of DeskTools. This one should replace desk_tools.1.0 in the archive. DeskTools is a Personal Information Manager. A user can maintainmultiple address files, multiple calendar-appointment-alarm files, multiple glossary lists which are ideal to store diskette information,bibliographies, summaries of news or books. A user can print mailinglabels, business envelopes, rolodex cards, telephone lists, and diskette labels. Calendars will print in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly format.DeskTools is shareware $25. Enjoy.#### BINHEX deskwriter-envelope-macro.hqx ****Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1993 15:18:13 EST From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>Subject: wp-macro-ez-deskwriter-env.hqx This Stuffit 1.5.1 archive includes both a macro (embedded in anexplanatory test file) and a stationery template. Together, themacro and template allow sending a formatted address to an HPDeskWriter printer, by selecting, hitting a hot-key, and stickingan envelope in the printer. No other dialog boxes or intermediatesteps!Document contains instructions for configuring macro and template,adding return address, etc.The author is Michael J. Walter.#### BINHEX dfd-editor-11.hqx ****Date: Mon, 18 May 92 15:59 BST From: FRIENDRD%KIRK.VAX.ASTON.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDUSubject: [*] DFD Editor 1.1 D F D E d i t o r v 1.1Copyright Richard Friend 1992.DFDEditor was written using THINK Pascal 3.01. It is an application to implement the editing of Data Flow Diagrams, and is my first attempt at Macintosh programming (so don't expect some fangled CASE tool).There was quite a large bug in DFDEditor's initial release, which meant that you couldn't move data flows once they had been created, and also a problem in text editing on some machines. These problems have now been corrected.The system is not totally bug-free but seems reasonably robust in use. As usual with software you get from the archives however, the author (that's me) accepts no responsibility for any problems that may occur due to the use of the application.If you find the application useful in any way (or even if you don't), then please send me a postcard telling me what you think. DFDEditor is 'HappyWare' - if you find it useful, then be happy.Richard Friend22 Albemarle RdBiltonHULLHU11 4DREngland.I can also be reached at the following email address :friendrd@spock.aston.ac.uk#### BINHEX digest-browser-16.hqx ****Date: Tue, 12 Jan 93 09:59:53 ESTFrom: perez@itd.nrl.navy.mil (Manuel A. Perez)Subject: Digest Browser v1.6This is a new version of the Digest Browser. It has been updated tofix a few errors, and to add some of the most requested features. Keep your suggestions and ideas coming.Digest Browser is a Mac application that reads Info-Macdigests. It displays a window with two panes, the top panecontains an index to the digest, the bottom shows the messageselected in the index. I have used it also to read saved EMailmessages, and other digests (for example csmp, vaporware).Most significant new features:(+) Added a Mark Item command. You can now mark (or tag) items in thedisplay panel. Marked items can then be saved to a separate file.(+) Drag and Drop works.(+) It now requires System 7.0. Let me know if this is an inconvenience,and I will make the appropriate changes.(+) See the ReadMe file in the package for more details.There are still a few bugs, but none of them make the program unsuable.Hope you have fun using this program. As before, this is a freeware, butit is copyrighted by myself. Portions of the program are copyright ofothers. You may distribute this program for free. May NOT be distributedfor money (profit or non-profit), except in the InfoMac CD-ROM. Distributeapplication, source code and documentation all together.Manuel A. Perez EMail: perezM@aol.com (America Online)---------- cut here -----------#### BINHEX digi-graf-143.hqx ****Date: Wed, 25 Nov 92 15:54:03 MST From: sharmony@nova.ta52.lanl.gov (Stephen C. Harmony)Subject: [*] DigiGraf 1.4.3, a freeware plot digitizer DigiGraf is an application for digitizing graphical information on an AppleMacintosh computer. It is compatible with System 7 and is 32-bit clean.Using a mouse or the Bit Pad Plus by Summagraphics, the data can be enteredusing either a signal from the device such as a click, or by sampling agiven number of times per second. Data sets entered previously can becancelled. The data are written to a window using a user-specified formatand precision, and these data can be saved to a text file of a specifiedcreator. The data are scaled and offset according to the values entered bythe user, which includes the specification of logarithmic scales. The graphcan be positioned in any way by the user, but tolerances must be met whendefining the axes. The entire area of the graphics tablet is available tothe user. All the results are recalculated from the raw data, with no lossof accuracy, every time the axes are redefined, the scale reset or theformat changed. The raw data is not saved in the file, only the processedinformation. The user may add comments to the file ahead of the data, butnowhere else. The data may be selected and copied to the clipboard, but maynot be overwritten. The data is delimited by tabs so that it can be useddirectly in a plotting application such as Cricket Graph. Most otherapplications will also handle tab-delimited data so analysis can easily beperformed according to the requirements of the user.DigiGraf is freeware, copyright 1989-92 by the author, W. Simon Tortike.#### BINHEX dimension-experbib-1b1.hqx ****Date: Mon, 5 Apr 93 10:54:06 +0200 From: Luc Patiny <patiny@chor.ucl.ac.be>Subject: [*] Experbib 1.0b1 - Bibliographic managing program EXPERBIB is a bibliographic managing program that must be executed with 4Dimension (4D) from Acius (version 2.1 or later). This application allowsyou to consult, quickly and easily, a large database. For each reference,you can add keywords and personal codes (which allow easy classification).You can also import and export in EndNote format.What are the differences between EXPERBIB and other commercial products ?a. A multi-user database in which every user is allowed to have personalkeywords (just a click to add it to a reference) and a personal searchprofile ;b. A list of indexed keywords ;c. Every reference can have a personal code which is automatically numbered;d. The facility to paste a picture from other packages, ChemdrawÆ forexample ;e. The ability to manage a large database. For example, one personaldatabase uses more than 80,000 references and 200,000 keywords (it uses ca.160 Mb).=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Patiny Luc 1, pl. L. Pasteur -=-=-= Universite Catholique de Louvain 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve =-=-=- Laboratoire de Chimie Organique de Synthese BELGIUM -=-=-= Tel. +32 10 47.87.56 Fax +32 10 47.41.68 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#### BINHEX display-x-or-sun-061.hqx ****Subject: Display-X-or-Sun-0.61.hqxDate: Thu, 28 Jun 90 14:35:09 -0700From: eta@ic.berkeley.eduInfo-Mac Moderators:Please post this program which I wrote to the archives. Thanks.Suggested name: info-mac/app/Display-X-or-Sun-0.61.hqx (or) info-mac/app/display-x-or-sun-0.61.hqxWhen this is posted, can you please cross-post an announcement toalt.graphics.pixutils. (Or let me know when it's posted so I can postan announcement?) I think there are people there who would beinterested. Thanks.Abstract:'Display X11/Sun Rasters' is a program which I wrote that displays X11raster images and/or Sun raster images on a Mac. Color raster imagesare supported. Displayed images can then be saved as PICT2 files.X11 raster files: decoding based on "xwud.c - MIT Project Athena, XWindow system window raster image undumper." (MIT Project Athena,1988). Includes support for color rasters.SUN raster files: decoding based on experience with what the formatslook like and by taking a look at "rasterfile.h - Description ofheader for files containing raster images." (Sun Microsystems, 1988).Questions/Comments/Problems?? Drop me a line...Best Wishes.Eric Andersoneta@ic.berkeley.edu1904 Bonita Ave.Bezerkeley, CA 94704#### BINHEX dive-log-16-hc.hqx ****Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1992 11:16:27 HST From: "Michael A. Hoffhines" <michaelh@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>Subject: Dive Log 1.6 Stack Update The following Dive Log Stack 1.6 Stack, submitted as postcard ware, should replace version 1.5 in your archives. 1.5 was submitted without the cards necessary to compute pressure groups. I apologize for the inconvenience, but appreciate your feedback.Also, I have moved to another island. New address on the info card.Have fun, Mike.#### BINHEX dl-viewer-10b3.hqx ****Date: Mon, 1 Feb 93 13:06:36 -0800 From: Bill Galcher <galcher@apple.com>Subject: DLViewer 1.0b3 Finally, a DL-style animation viewer for the Macintosh.Enclosed is a StuffIt! archive containing a Macintosh application which willallow Mac users to view DL-style animation files. This program handles bothVersion 1 and 2 file types, and handles format 0 (large, 320x200), 1 (medium,160x100) and 2 (small, 80x50) animations.DLViewer 1.0b3 is my first cut at providing an animation viewer for variousnon-Macintosh animation files. It does not use QuickTime(tm) so it shouldwork on any Macintosh that can support 256 (8-bit) color. It does requireSystem 6.0.2 or beyond and Color QuickDraw 1.2. 1.0b3 fixes someinitialization problems found during initial beta testing. DLViewer wascompiled to take advantage of MC68020 and above instructions and addressingmodes, so it cannot be run on Macintoshes with 68000 processors (Plus, SE,etc.).The animation images are all read into memory for maximum display speed. Thisimplies of course that for large animation files an equivalently large amountof memory is used.In addition to the animation itself, I have also provided the ability forsmaller images to be "zoomed" (160x100 -> 320x200; 80x50 -> 160x100 _and_320x200). The 80x50 images look very pixelated when zoomed up to 320x200, asyou might expect. Up to 10 DL files can be opened (but not run!)concurrently. The real constraint will more likely be how much memory youallocate to the viewer to run.Finally, since DL animations do not have a built-in frame rate the frame ratefor each animation can be individually specified and adjusted.Thanks to Mark Podlipec who wrote XANIM, an X-Windows animation viewer. Hissources provided the insights and clues to decipher all the formats that DLfiles use.Bill Galcher (galcher@apple.com)Midnight Oil Productions#### BINHEX do-it-all-302.hqx ****Date: 15 Jun 93 16:56:58 EDT From: J.Christopher.Bell@Dartmouth.EDU (J. Christopher Bell)Subject: Do It All! v.3.02.sea.hqx (archive as do-it-all-302.hqx) Do It All! The Shareware Job and Schedule Organizer Copyright 1990-93 by J. Christopher Bell Version 3.02Do It All! is a job prioritizer, to-do list, and appointment manager. You can set Alarms for events, store jobs as Current/Postponed/Done, TEXT export (use it to make reports of your Done Jobs), and more. One the basic jobs of Do It All! is a "sliding priority" job, for instance "low priority now but it should move up in my list so that by October 1st it is the most important thing on the list". Types of jobs include "limited-date schedule events" which cover events like "MWF, 10am-11am from Sep.29 to Dec.1". Job editing and display is done with international time/date formats and even time/date input via keyboard for all international [single-byte] formats! New "auto-save" feature to save your joblist when you switch it the background or after 15 minutes to keep your joblist information from dissapearing!Shareware magazine says "Definite A+ for user interface design and overall product usefulness. ... With its human interface and commonsense approach to scheduling, Do It All! blasts past all other reminder [apps] we've seen."* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** I ask only for a voluntary donation to me to help finance writing newshareware * and public domain software. Send whatever you think this program is worthto you.* Suggested pricing for Do It All!: * Businesses and Universities: $40 // Individuals: Between $15 and $35.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Temporary option = Bay-Area-Employment-ware:* Recent graduate from Dartmouth College with a double major in Computer * Science and Religion with good grades and a work history in softwaredevelopment,* primarily on the Mac, but on other platforms also. I will need a jobstarting in June. * I plan to live somewhere in Silicon Valley / The San Francisco Bay Area. Ifyou or * someone you know could use a creative Mac software developer with abachelor's * degree and good references, write to me at one of the addresses listedbelow, either * by electronic or paper mail.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** For ways to get money to me if you don't have U.S. checks, read the on-linehelp!*Addresses: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Via E-Mail jXopher@applelink.apple.com or until August, 1993 please only use the following!!!!: j.christopher.bell@dartmouth.edu* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Via Snail Mail / Postal ServiceJ. Christopher Bellc/o jXopher Labs1830 Austin Ave.Los Altos, CA 94024USA* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *For non-mac systems, please archive this file with this message asdo-it-all-302.hqxOn info-mac-format sites, this file replaces /app/do-it-all-30.hqx.#### BINHEX dollshouse.hqx ****From: kenh@world.std.com <Ken Hancock>Subject: [*] DollshouseEnclosed is an application for designing dollhouses. Shareware.Part of the GAMER distribution.#### BINHEX ds-to-quicken4-converter.hqx ****From: "Lizza,Carl" <lizza#m#carl@msgw.vf.ge.com>Subject: Dollars & $ense ConversionDate: 15 Dec 1993 08:58:58 -0500I've received several requests for this utility I downloaded from CompuServe.It will aid greatly if you are interested in converting your financial recordsfrom Dollars and $ense to Quicken 4. Having made this change last summer afterabout 7 years with D&S I am most pleased with the results.Carl Lizzaclizza@atl.ge.com<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>#### BINHEX dt-calculator-303.hqx ****Date: Fri, 15 Jun 90 16:37:08 -0200From: sund@tde.lth.se (Lars Sundstr|m)Subject: Dt Calculator 3.03Dt Calculator 3.03Scientific RPN calculator with configurable keyboard. ---#### BINHEX dyna-mouse-demo.hqx ****Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 09:42:06 -0400 (EDT)From: Kip Walker <kwalker+@cmu.edu>Subject: DynaMouseDynaMouse is a small program featuring a calligraphic brush of sorts. It has variable width, and dynamic action based on variables you specify(mass and drag) It's a lot of fun -- check it out! Best with 68030 andFPU, but will run on any system with 6.0.5 or better.Comments to --- kwalker+@cmu.edu#### BINHEX earth-plot-30.hqx ****From: Thomas Blake <tblake@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu>Subject: no subject (file transmission) Date: Thu, 12 Dec 91 11:15:41 EDT earth-plot-30.hqx An application to display a map of the globe from any latitude, longitude, and altitude. Include C source code. Free.#### BINHEX edison-10.hqx ****Date: Sun, 13 Sep 92 22:18:58 PDT From: villacor@hac2arpa.hac.com (Jaime Villacorte)Subject: Edison 1.0 Edison 1.009/13/92This simple application displays the following information in a tiny,relocatable window on Mac's equipped with the Power Manager (Portable,PowerBooks, Duo's, etc.): * digital battery voltage * CPU speed * AC adapter plugged or not plugged * Charging state (hi charge or trickle) * 2 timers which are automatically started or halted by detecting the insertion or extraction of the AC adpater plug: - actual power-on-time since last charge (ie. how long your Mac has been in a non-sleep or non-shutdown mode.) - elapsed real-time since last chargeEdison does not tell you how long you have left till your battery goes dead,nor does it show the percentage of battery life remaining. I useApple's Battery DA to help me judge these things.Edison is freeware. It requires System 7.0, and the Power Manager to run. This version fixes a few bugs that were present in the previous releasedversion (1.0b) related to disappearing display windows, and a sometimesinaccurate battery timer. It also reduces the preferred applicationpartition size from 384K to 80K. Commands have been added to reset andpause the battery timer, and to center the display window.The following file replaces /info-mac/util/edison10.hqx in your archives.It's a binhexed Compact Pro self-extracting archive.#### BINHEX edit-ii-212-docs-mw.hqx ****Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1993 00:09:47 -0600 From: kseah@procyon.austin.tx.usSubject: Edit II MW Doc Documentation for Edit II 2.1.2 in MacWrite format.#### BINHEX edit-ii-214.hqx ****Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1993 02:36:38 -0600 From: kseah@procyon.austin.tx.usSubject: Edit II 2.1.4.sea Edit II is intended as a replacement for the Consulair Edit text editor butwhich alllows the use of the cursor keys on the Mac keyboard fornavigation. If the extended keyboard is used, then the num lock LED willindicate whether the cursor pad or the numeric pad mode is on. The home,end, page up, page down keys will also work, as will the delete right key. One level of undo is supported. You can launch Edit II by double clickingold Edit files (since Edit II uses the same creator signature as Edit, thatis, EDIT). Stationery documents are supported under System 7.Thanks for all the support from registered users. Your feedback has beenincorporated into this version.2.1.4 (03/06/93) Yet another Maintenance Release~~~~~* No changes in documentation from 2.1.1 (except for the registration page)** Bugs fixed *** Preferences now set properly for initial startup - initial font sizewas previously set to zero and the initial window placement was *way*off to the side! (This happened when I put in code to allow users toselect default window size, and forgot to set up the initial defaultsize when setting up an EditPrefs file for the first time.).#### BINHEX ekg-course-1.hqx ****Date: Sun, 10 Jan 93 00:12:36 est From: tlaz@uhura.neoucom.EDU (Tony Lazcano)Subject: EKG course Here is the 2nd try and sending you lesson one of a complete EKGtraining course.The course is designed to be used by anyone with a basic knowledgeof cardiac physiology.Compressed with stuffit lite#### BINHEX elvis-encryption-scheme.hqx ****From "aeze bell <strider@halcyon.com>" Tue Sep 7 00:10:10 1993Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1993 22:30:49 -0700 (PDT) From: aeze bell <strider@halcyon.com>Subject: ElvisV.99.sit.hqx --0-1195132448-747379967:#13455Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCIIAfter over 15 years of isolation, Elvis Presley has finally perfected theElvis Encryption Scheme (EES) and it is now available to you, right here,right now in a package simpler than a hounddog. Exchange 'Elvis'-encrypted messages between you and all your buddies. Bethe envy of all Elvis fans around the globe. Don't be all shook up, baby, The Official Electronic Elvis Secret DecoderRing is free of charge (and to think that the Elvis collector plates costover $50).. Created late one night by: aaron bell (real life) sheedee (aol) strider@halcyon.com (internet)--0-1195132448-747379967:#13455Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="ElvisV.99.sit.hqx"Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9309062242.B13455@halcyon.com>Content-Description: #### BINHEX english-calendar-hc.hqx ****From "Ian Fenton Macinnes <ifm5u@faraday.clas.virginia.edu>" Sun Aug 22 00:21:46 1993Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 12:28:52 -0400From: Ian Fenton Macinnes <ifm5u@faraday.clas.virginia.edu>Subject: EnglishCalendarThis is a Hypercard stack designed to replace clumsy handbooks ofdates for students of English history and literature. It willperform the following tasks: 1. It will calculate the date of Easter and six other majormoveable feasts based on Easter for any date from the council ofNice (325 A.D.) to the present. 2. It will provide the dates for all saints days, and otherevents of the liturgical year. 3. It will convert back and forth between Old and New styledating. 4. It will find the day of the week for any date in the ChristianEra. 5. It will determine the number of days between any two dates, orthe date which occurs a given number of days before or after agiven date. The stack is accurate for the English calendar, but it contains ahelp feature with instructions on how to modify the stack forstudents of Continental history and literature. This stack is freeware. comments to:Ian MacInnesEnglish DepartmentWilson HallUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA 22903 e-mail ifm5u@Virginia.edu(This BinHex file created by DownLine 1.1)#### BINHEX enigma-12.hqx ****Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 21:19:45 MST From: mdw@cscns.com (Mike Watson)Subject: Enigma 1.2 Enigma 1.2 is an application which can provide near absoluteprotection for your sensitive documents and applications. Bydownloading this application you can encrypt files using a limitedversion of the Government Standard DES algorithm. For only $10this can be upgraded to the full DES standard (US and Canada only).If you would prefer your neighbors not see your accounting package,your co-workers not see your performance appraisal, or your competitor see your trade secrets then Enigma is an application youwill find very valuable.Version 1.2 is a substantial improvement over previous versions.The most important new features are: Encryptions and decryptions are now 12 times faster than before, with absolutely no compromise at all in data security! Enclosed is a utility to destroy plain-text files after encryption (Enigma now has an option to do this automatically as well. Entering keys is more secure since you can optionally specify that Enigma only display ?'s as you type. If you previously tried to use Enigma over an Appletalk network you will be pleased to know it is now about 100 times faster. The program now quits after a drag-and-drop operation so that there is no chance of accidently leaving your key exposed.Enigma 1.2 remains fully compatible with previous versions of Enigma.Enigma is fully compatible with any mac. It required only 256Kof memory to run. It is fully system 7 compatible, but very usablewith previous systems.Enigma 1.2 in this limited form is completely free. No sharewareguilt. But if you need extra protection it is available.#### BINHEX enigma-20.hqx ****Date: Tue, 6 Jul 93 20:56:36 MDT From: mdw@cscns.com (Mike Watson)Subject: Enigma 2.0 (data encryption program) Enigma 2.0 is an application which can provide near absoluteprotection for your sensitive documents and applications. Bydownloading this application you can encrypt files using a limitedversion of the Government Standard DES algorithm. For only $15this can be upgraded to the full DES standard (US and Canada only).If you would prefer your neighbors not see your accounting data,your co-workers not see your performance appraisal, or your competitor see your trade secrets then Enigma is an application youwill find very valuable.Version 2.0 adds the long awaited vault feature. Vaults are likevery securely locked file cabinets. Multiple files are stored inthem. Files can be added, deleted, renamed, and extracted at anytime. Security is much enhanced because filenames and lengths areprotected by encryption in addition to the contents. No otherfree or shareware encryption program offers the flexibility ofEnigma vaults.Version 2.0 also contains user interface upgrades and bug fixeswhich will make Enigma easier to use, especially over a network.That annoying startup delay experienced by version 1.2 users hasbeen eliminated.Enigma 2.0 remains fully compatible with previous versions of Enigma.Enigma 2.0 requires system 7.0 or later. Documentation enclosedspecifies ordering information for a system 6 or earlier compatible version, but the vault features are unavailable.Enigma occupies 100K of disk space and needs only 256K of memory.Enigma 2.0 in this limited form is completely free. No sharewareguilt. But if you need extra protection it is available.Enigma 2.0 has been continuously supported and updated for over ayear and I have many satisfied registered users. Thank you foryour interest and support, it keeps me going.#### BINHEX euclid-11b19.hqx **** X-Mailer: Eudora Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 11:58:40 -0700 To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.eduFrom: bernard@cs.colorado.edu (Bernie Bernstein)Subject: euclid11b19 X-Attachments: :Mickey:52932:euclidb19.cpt: Resent-To: backmodResent-Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 0:04:15 PDTResent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>--========================_6410386==_Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Euclid is a collaborative hypertext system which supports argumentation. Itis an academic project which is useful for developing academic papers andother reasoned arguments. It is general enough to use as an editor for anytype of network since all types are user-definable.b19 fixes several bugs and contains some other minor changes. Read therelease notes for more information. It uses the manual from b18(eucliddoc.hqx).--========================_6410386==_Content-Type: application/mac-binhex-40; name="euclidb19.cpt"#### BINHEX euclid-docs.hqx ****Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 10:03:34 -0700 From: bernard@cs.colorado.edu (Bernie Bernstein)Subject: eucliddoc11b18 Euclid is a collaborative hypertext system which supports argumentation. Itis an academic project which is useful for developing academic papers andother reasoned arguments. It is general enough to use as an editor for anytype of network since all types are user-definable.This file contains the documentation for Euclid b18. It is in MS Wordformat and documents all of the latest features. o, ,, , | Bernie Bernstein | , ,, L>O/ `,/ ` ,| University of Colorado at Boulder |/ `,,/ ` O./ ' / . ` / | home: 303-444-3168 | / ` ` ,. ,/ / , ' | email: bernard@cs.colorado.edu | / '' `#### BINHEX excel-amortization.hqx ****Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 17:11:44 -0500From: ctchou@kodak.com (JOE CHOU, CTCHOU@KODAK.COM, INTERNET)Enclosed is a amortization macro for Microsoft Excel 2.2. This macro will calculate either loan period, monthly payment or amount you will be able to borrow. Besides, it also handles prepayment and adjustable loan. Chou#### BINHEX excel-draw-aid-10.hqx ****Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 20:39:05 -0400 (EDT)From: WHITESR@conrad.appstate.eduSubject: excel-DRAWaid10.hqx[TO SYSOP: Recommend that DRAWaid be put in the Applicationsdirectory, where other Excel macrosheets are found.]DRAWaid1993 (c) Stephen R. WhiteAll Rights Reservedversion 1.0 (August 17, 1993 5:57 PM)DRAWaid is intended to facilitate the manipulation of objects drawn on an Excel 4.0/Mac spread/worksheet. This includes aiding in the alignment of those objects, their movement, and some aspects of their patterns.DRAWaid includes the following commands: Alignment of objects drawn on a worksheet -- Center Center Center Left Center Right Left Sides Right Sides Right to Left Tops Bottoms Bottom to Top Movement of the selected object by one point ("nudge") -- Left Right Up DownMatch size of selected worksheet object with a separate designated objectMatch pattern of selected worksheet object with a separate designated objectShareware. This program is distributed "as is." The user istotally responsible for determining its suitability for theuser's situation.DRAWaid automatically reads from, and writes to, disk.Bug reports and other comments welcomed. Send to:Stephen R. White206 Hillandale Dr.Boone, NC 28607Until at least December 1993 --BITNET: whitesr@appstate.bitnetINTERNET: whitesr@conrad.appstate.eduThe unregistered version is limited to about 50 uses.To use DRAWaid: Delete through line below, re-save, decode binhex, unstuff Stuffit 1.5.1 archive, open DRAWaid with Excel 4.0/Mac.--- Delete to end of this line ---------- #### BINHEX excel-fft.hqx ****From: palmer@cco.caltech.edu (David Palmer)Subject: FFT for Macintosh Excel Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1992 03:13:55 GMT FFT is a Fast Fourier Transform for Excel.A Fourier transform gives the frequency components of a series of data,or vice-versa. This function is Freeware. If you use it, strike a blow against tyranny. David Palmer palmer@tgrs.gsfc.nasa.gov#### BINHEX excel-grade-macro.hqx ****Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1992 08:59 CDT From: PETER GINGISS <ENGLAD@Jetson.UH.EDU>Subject: Grademacro This is an Excel macro for creating a grade sheet with weight-ed grades (e.g. the mid-term = 50%, the final 30%). I havegotten it working on an si with a 13" monitor and Excel 4.0.I am pretty sure it will work with other monitors and versions2.2 and 3.0 of Excel. Please try it and see what you think.Comments are welcome.Peter Gingiss#### BINHEX excel-home-finance-10.hqx ****Date: Wed, 7 Oct 92 09:18:32 -0600 From: Robert T. Weverka <weverka@irish.Colorado.EDU>Subject: excel-homeFinance1.0.hqx This spreadsheet calculates outstanding balence versus time for homeloans.More importantly it gives you a look at all the frictional costs inbuying and in refinancing. Your monthly payment, as well as approximatenet monthly cost after tax incentives is figured as well.suggested directory: app/feedback to weverka@boulder.colorado.edu__________________#### BINHEX excel-talk.hqx ****From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)Subject: No Subject!Date: Mon, 20 Dec 93 7:41:53 PST(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>); Mon, 20 Dec 199301:36:33 +0800Message-Id: <199312191736.AA04389@hk.super.net>X-Sender: johnb@hk.super.net (Unverified)Mime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========================_7226158==_"Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 01:36:33 +0800To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.eduFrom: johnb@HK.Super.NET (John W. Blackburne)Subject: ExcelTalk 2--========================_7226158==_Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"ExcelTalk is a TTS add-in for Excel. When loaded it adds menu commands andmacro commands to Excel that can be used to speak a single cell, an entirespreadsheet or any text supplied in an Excel macro. It requires Excel 4 andthe Speech Manager, and should run on any Mac with enough memory andprocessing power to support both of these. Freeware, docs included.--========================_7226158==_Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="XLTLK2.SIT"#### BINHEX exercise-log-105-hc.hqx ****From: maurits@husc.harvard.eduSubject: Hypercard Exercise Log 1.05Date: Thu, 16 Dec 93 06:43:33 -0500Presenting EXERCISE LOG for the Macintosh, version 1.05New features & bug fixes------------------------v. 1.05: - can provide more default information for common workouts - expanded workout search functionsv. 1.04: - fixed bug in "change workout date" functionv. 1.03: - fixed bug in Help printing - replaced some shared-text fields by background graphics, to make display faster & less system-dependentGeneral description-------------------Exercise Log is a Hypercard-based activities log that lets you storeinformation about each workout you do in an unlimited number of sports.It offers an attractive and useful middle ground between paper-based logs(in which you have to do all the tallying, etc. yourself) and spread-sheetmodels (which tend to be too rigid for free-form information entry).For each workout, there are fields for date, sport, workout-type, effort,distance, time, pace, course-name, details, and description, weather, andshoes used (or inline skates, or bike equipment, etc.).In addition, your resting pulse rate and weight for the day can be entered.The log will automatically calculate pace, and add up distances and numberof workouts in a week or year.Shortcuts allow you to quickly enter new workout info for standard and to navigate easily between different workouts and sections in the log.Workouts can be displayed in a convenient weekly overview format, or canbe selected to be listed in a tally based on criteria you specify(including effort-level, sport, workout type, or equipment).Import and export facilities are provided to move data between logs andto and from data files that can be used in Excel, etc. Thus, if you alreadyhave an on-line exercise data base, you need not type all the data in anew.In addition, rather than relying on Hypercard's somewhat anemic chartingcapabilities, you can just export the relevant data and chart it any wayyou like in a spreadsheet program.A detailed Help section explains all options and features.This stack requires Hypercard 2.0 or above, but will run best in 2.1or above. It uses the Times and Palatino fonts, and has been testedon most common setups. It is shareware, which means that if you decideto use it (after evaluation), you are required to send me $8. This issignificantly less than most other software exercise logs, and aboutequivalent to the cost of most paper-based logs, such as those producedby Runner's World and Bicycling. I am not expecting to get rich offthis, just to get back a little for all the hours I put into perfectingthis log instead of pursuing my graduate studies :-(Address comments, criticisms, suggestions for improvement, etc. to:maurits@husc.harvard.edu, and send the shareware fee to:Maurits van der VeenDepartment of GovernmentHarvard UniversityCambridge, MA 02138.N.B. Harvard University and its Department of Government are in no way associated with or responsible for this product or anything I say about it or anything else. I just receive my mail there as a graduate student. Hypercard is an Apple Computer product, and copyrighted by them. If I should add any other disclaimers, someone please tell me. ---#### BINHEX expressionist-30-to-301-updt.hqx ****From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)Date: Tue, 15 Dec 92 19:41:37 PST Subject: Expressionist 3.00 --> 3.01 updater This is Prescience Corp.'s Expressionist 3.00 --> 3.01 updater.The Fall '92 issue of the _Math Axis_ (Prescience's newsletter) statesthat ``The patch disk can be copied and shared with other Expressionist3.00 owners.'' I'm taking this to mean that it's OK to post the updater. I've included a TeachText version of the hard copy instructions sheet.The following were copied from that instructions sheet. Significant Changes------------------ o no distorted fences, integrals, and radicals on screen when pasted into other applications o improved equation spacing and appearance on screen when pasted into other applications o better equation spacing with bitmapped screen fonts o simplified Tfront doorU dialog for the Picture Format dialog o more accurate alignment information for inline equations o EGO windows open with Guide and Magnify modes on-------cut here-------#### BINHEX family-tree-13-hc.hqx ****From macmod Tue Sep 28 14:36:26 1993Subject: Our Family Tree 1.3Date: Mon, 27 Sep 93 17:51:01 -0400From: ""Timmy G. Bremer"" <tgbremer@mailbox.syr.edu>Hello! I've just put the latest version of my HyperCard family tree stack inthe incoming directory. As usual I ask that you forward it to macgifts, sinceour editor has a really hard time incorporating files into mail messages. PleasePlease include the following description: Our Family Tree 1.3 is a HyperCard genealogy stack. This latest versionhas been modified so that each couple can have up to 22 (!) children. Also, I'veI've added a command, "updateTree", which will update any existing version 1.2Family Tree to version 1.3 (thus saving you the trouble of re-entering all theinformation every time a new version comes out!). Thank you once again. Sincerely, -timmy g bremer#### BINHEX financial-portfolio-281-hc.hqx ****Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1993 09:11:20 -0500From: monty-hampton@uokhsc.edu (Monty Hampton)Subject: [*] Financial Portfolio ResubmissionApparently the copy of Financial Portfolio I submitted to IMD V11 #193 wascorrupted. Here it is again. Hopefully it will make it through alright thistime......... This is a '.sea' file of a Hypercard based program for managing stockportfolios and the like. I originally dowloaded it from AOL and have beenusing it for over a year, now. I use it mainly for tracking stockportfolios, but it has some other nice features as well. Liked it so much Icontacted the author for permission to post.I am not the author, but am posting it for Michael Foreman. Information onhow to reach him is contained within the .sea. His posted description ofthe program follows:*******************************************************************************This is version 2.81 of the Financial Portfolio stack, which lets you keeptrack of your accounts & investments and allows you to calculate your networth, capital gains, etc.This program is "kidware": if you are thinking of using it, please send mea dollar (or more, if you would like) and I will forward it to St. Jude'sChildren's Research Hospital.-- Michael Foreman E.M. Hampton, OUHSC College of Pharmacy & OKC DVAMC921 NE 13th Street,Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 270-1549monty-hampton@uokhsc.edu#### BINHEX first-things-first-clock.hqx ****Date: 01 Mar 1993 13:37:08 +0000 From: tsvetkova@news.rferl.org (Alexei Tsvetkov)Subject: First Things First Clock Files These are the companion clock files to First Things First demo byVisionary software. Somebody has been looking for them recently. Please,place into the demo directory or wherever the main file resides. I have no connection whatsoever with Visionary.Alexei TsvetkovMunich#### BINHEX first-things-first-demo.hqx ****Date: Tue, 11 May 1993 11:37:13 -0700 From: bradley@marcvm.marc.usda.gov (Randy Bradley)Subject: First Things First File Utility Submission Dear Moderator, Here is the First Things First File Utility program, version 3.0, byVisionary Software Inc. It allows you to export your FTF agenda to a textfile for use in a database or spreadsheet program.It should be placed in the /demo directory and should be called"first-things-first-file-utility.hqx" to match the clock files that arethere.Attached Document: (if this is a problem, please let me know!)#### BINHEX fittingly-sew-demo.hqx ****Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1993 17:49:00 +0000 From: "M-James (M.J.) Bartley" <mjamesb@bnr.ca>Subject: Fittingly_Sew_Demo Fittingly Sew (tm) is a new and innovative Macintosh program for fittingand designing clothing patterns. It will add pleasure and efficiencyto your sewing experience. If you adjust patterns for fit or toachieve a specific style, this program is for you.With the mere click of the mouse, you can: * add fullness and pleats * change the shapes of curves * transfer darts * lengthen or shorten pieces * make facings * create yokes * do a whole host of other activitiesIn every instance, the seam allowance automatically readjusts itselfto the new shape.Fittingly Sew Demo is set up as a self-extracting archive.Double-click the Fittingly Sew Demo.sea icon. You will get theFittingly Sew Demo program and notes. The notes provide awalk-through of the demo which will introduce you to many of thecapabilities of the Fittingly Sew program.Ordering information is included in the notes.This has been posted on behalf of: Bartley Software Inc. CompuServe: 72133,3102#### BINHEX flags-and-freedom.hqx ****Date: Tue, 20 Oct 92 09:27 EST From: ELIOT@cs.umass.EDUSubject: Flags, a comment on freedom. Back when our president was making a fool of himselfover the flag burning issue I wrote this little programto indicate my thoughts on the issue. When I show it to people I always find that freedom earns respect whichno law can force anyone to believe in.Free.Christopher Eliot#### BINHEX flash-cards-hc.hqx ****Date: Sat, 8 Aug 92 20:53:53 -0400 From: joh@valhalla.cs.wright.edu (Jae Chan Oh)Subject: Submission Hi, here is my submission to be included in FTP site sumex. The description of the program follows later in this file. I have compressed the program with Compact Pro then BinHeXed it. I made it sure the integrity of the file by re-downloading the file to my Mac and dearchived it. It should bevirus free as I have tested it with VirusDetective and most recent version of Disinfectant. Since this is a hypercard stack, the "info-mac/card" directory would beappropriate place to store it.Thanks.-----Flash Cards by Jae Chan Oh(C) Copyright 1992 - All Rights ReservedThis is a free shareware. You can do anything with this stack except using this stack commercially. (That is making money out of it)This is an electornic version of flash cards that can be used to enhance vocabulary.You can even use this stack to memorize foreign words other than English: such as Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc. You just need the proper Macintosh script system for the foreign language.Then you will be able write the word in the foreign language and write the definition in English. (You need a registered version for this matter)* The user can have "practice" session that displays each word followed by its meaning in random order. Also, if the user decides to exclude a certain word from the practice session, he can mark the word as "memorized". * User can refresh her/his memory by using "pratice memorized" button.* "Index card" will display all the words together. * "Definition" button will show the definition of the word.and more!Please click the question mark buttons(There are two kinds), for more information.Thanks. Enjoy!The author can be reached at joh@valhalla.wright.edu------- Archive starts here ---#### BINHEX flash-em-10.hqx ****From: crevier@husc.harvard.eduSubject: Flash'em 1.0 Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 00:20:32 -0500 (EST) Flash 'em 1.0Copyright (C) 1993 by Dan Crevier Flash'em is a general purpose flash card utility that allows you to createflash cards with up to 3 "sides" each and then test yourself on thosecards. This is ideal for languages like Japanese where you might have thekanji, hiragana, and english meaning, although it's use isn't limited toJapanese. Each side has it's own font. When testing, you mark the cardsthat you know, and then keeps testing you until you know them all. The program is freeware, so feel free to distribute the archive. FEATURES:* You can create and edit flash card files from the program or use a texteditor (sides are separated by tabs).* You can test yourself on the cards in either random or sequential orderuntil you know all of the cards.* You can merge several files together into memory to do a test on all ofthem at once.* Plays cool sounds when you get them all right.* You can paste in words from MacJDic.* When testing, words on each side show up in biggest font that will fitin the field on the screen.* Includes some sample Japanese flash card files#### BINHEX flea-circus.hqx ****From: kenh@world.std.com <Ken Hancock>Subject: [*] Flea CircusEnclosed is an amusing, if useless application which puts on aflea circus with four different acts. Don't ask me, I justupload 'em. Part of the GAMER distribution.#### BINHEX fm-us-savings-bonds.hqx ****From: jong15@aol.comSubject: [*] US Savings Bonds Database Date: Thu, 11 Feb 93 20:52:23 EST Enclosed is a little database I spent the afternoon building. This databaseallows the user to input the Face value, the serial number, the ssn, thepurchase date, the purchase price, and the series of bonds, E or EE. Itwill then do it's best to calculate the current value of the bond. This is adifficult task because the bonds have different maturities and interestrates. As of now the database assumes that you will keep the bond atleastfive years, and is only accurate for bonds issued after June of 1969. Ifthere is enough interest I can expand it to include older bonds.One known bug is that if the date is greater than 12/31/99, filemaker isunable to calculate the proper age. There seems to be a bug in eitherfilemaker or system 7.1 that years less that 2000 return 19xx, and yearsgreater than 1999 return xx. One other noted problem is that both the date &time cp and General cp will not allow you to enter dates greater than12/31/2019. IT wraps back to 1/1/1920. If you have any questions, pleasedirect them to JonG15@AOL.com#### BINHEX fmpro-biblio-plus-02.hqx ****Date: 18 Jun 93 09:32:52 U From: "Andrew Lee" <andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.au>Subject: FileMaker_Pro_Biblio1.02.hqx <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Biblio+(c)1993 Andrew Lee, All rights reserved._______________Read MeBiblio+ is a shareware Filemaker Pro (version 1.3) database. It's main purposeis to allow proper automatic generation of bibliographic references even whencertain components (eg publisher, year...) are omitted. Other than that, youshould find that Biblio+ is just about as powerful and usable as any other`commercial' Bibliographic database/manager. When exporting data, the FullRef field contains the full bibliographicdetails. If the Harvard referencing convention is desired, the Year Insideoption should be chosen. The FullRef_Rtf fields contains the full details inproper formats. Simply paste the output into the appropriate place in theaccompanying RtfTemplate file. Save it as another name and that file is now aproper Rich-Text-Format (rtf) file. Plea: If you feel that BIBLIO+ has some useful value, or use it for anypurpose, or want to encourage ME to improve BIBLIO+ and develop other`affordable & useful' databases, PLEASE send me an international money ordercheque (or cash) madepayable to: Andrew Lee, for ANY amount that you find appropriate. If you payyour shareware contribution, you will receive a PASSWORD to enable you toMODIFY LAYOUTS and DELETE records. If you license the source code, you will beable to create your own layouts etc... All suggestions for improvements arewelcomed.Please do not distribute Biblio+ without all the original materials, especiallythis file. Biblio+ is not for commercial re-sale without my knowledge andpermission. Please inform me if you decide to place Biblio+ onto sharewareCD-roms, disks etc...Regards,Andrew Leec/o School of Information TechnologyBond University QueenslandAustralia 4229............................................................Internet: andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.au#### BINHEX fmpro-bibliography-101.hqx ****Date: 24 May 93 14:33:07 U From: "Andrew Lee" <andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.au>Subject: FileMaker_Pro_Biblio+1.01.hqx Sorry, version 1.00 (posted earlier today) had a bug...Has been fixed in this version.Andrew<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Biblio+(c)1993 Andrew Lee, All rights reserved._______________Read MeBiblio+ is a shareware Filemaker Pro (version 1.x) database. It's main purposeis to allow proper automatic generation of bibliographic references even whencertain components (eg publisher, year...) are omitted. Other than that, youshould find that Biblio+ is just about as powerful and usable as any other`commercial' Bibliographic database/manager. When exporting data, the FullRef field contains the full bibliographicdetails. Other fields do not have to be exported. Plea: If you feel that BIBLIO+ has some useful value, or use it for anypurpose, or want to encourage ME to improve BIBLIO+ and develop other`affordable & useful' databases, PLEASE send me an international money ordercheque (or cash) madepayable to: Andrew Lee, for ANY amount that you find appropriate. If you payyour shareware contribution, you will receive a PASSWORD to enable you toMODIFY LAYOUTS and DELETE records. If you license the source code, you will be able to create your ownpredefined value list for the Categories field and change it to a radio button. All suggestions for improvements are welcomed.Please do not distribute Biblio+ without all the original materials, especiallythis file. Biblio+ is not for commercial re-sale without my knowledge andpermission. Please inform me if you decide to place Biblio+ onto sharewareCD-roms, disks etc...Regards,Andrew LeeSchool of Information TechnologyBond University QueenslandAustralia 4229............................................................Internet: andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.aufax: 61 (0)75 953320 (international)#### BINHEX fmpro-business-dir-302.hqx ****Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 20:13:17 EDT From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>Subject: * Business Directory 3.0.2. (Updated Version) =======================================================================Business Directory (Version 3.0.2)By Jeffrey N. Fritz <JFRITZ@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU> 485 Junior Avenue Morgantown, WV 26505A short while ago I uploaded the Business Directory. This is a File-Maker Pro 2.0 address book. It features a highly graphical interface, theability to automatically copy and paste names and addresses into otherapplications. It has entries for e-mail addresses and is designed tomake data entry really easy. There's lots more!This is the lasted version, Business Directory 3.0.2. It improves theinterface and corrects some cosmetic problems from the first version.The main difference is that 3.0.2 has neat color icons added to thebuttons. They are quite nice and make it easy to locate the functionsyou are looking for.Business Directory 3.0.2 is shareware. You may use it for 30 days withoutcharge. After that you are requested to pay a $5.00 shareware fee. I amsending the password to everyone who registers their copy. The passwordallows you to customise the interface to suit your own taste and needs.Hope you like it!Jeffrey FritzInternet: jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.eduAppleLink: WVUISDNAmerica On Line: ISDN Man485 Junior AvenueMorgantown, WV 26505#### BINHEX fmpro-calendar-94-10.hqx ****From: jason r mihalick <mihalick@cis.ohio-state.edu>Subject: MacCalendar '94: note to moderatorDate: Wed, 15 Dec 1993 12:12:44 -0500 (EST)Dear Moderator, The file that follows this message should be put in the app/ directory. Please name it "filemaker-pro-MacCalendar94.10.hqx". A description of the file is as follows:8<------------------- 8< ------------------- 8< --------------------- 8< ------ MacCalendar '94 v1.0 -------------------- MacCalendar '94 is a FileMaker Pro 2.0 database which is both a daily organizer and 1994 Calendar. It was designed for Powerbook users, but can be used with any Mac. Best of all, it's PostCardWare (details are in the archived database). Compact Pro Compressed = around 70k, Uncompressed = around 632k (that's 90% savings folks! I was amazed). A few of it's features are: Features: --------- * Records for each day of 1994 which let you track your appointments and their times. Once you fill out the time range of an appointment, a time chart like the following is displayed: 7am 8 9 10 11 12pm... ACTIVITY START END | | | | | | ... ------------------------------------------------------------------- ... Meeting with John 9 AM 10:15AM ***** Lunch 11:30 PM 12:30 PM **** Drive to work 8:00 AM 8:40 AM ** . . . This enables you to see your schedule at a glance. * Complete 1994 Calendar with holidays. You can even add your own holidays. * Help screens. * A clean interface that gives some fields the illusion of depth. Requires: --------- You should use a color or greyscale Mac with at least FileMaker Pro 2.0 installed. It will work on b&w models, but the sceens may not be too appealing to the eye. Send questions/comments to Jason Mihalick at: mihalick@cis.ohio-state.edu15-Dec-93 21:32:26-GMT,98167;000000000001Received: by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA15679; Wed, 15 Dec 93 13:32:25 PSTFull-Name: Info-Mac ModeratorResent-Message-Id: <9312152132.AA15679@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU>Return-Path: <mihalick@cis.ohio-state.edu>Received: from junk.cis.ohio-state.edu by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA08280; Wed, 15 Dec 93 09:13:36 PSTReceived: by junk.cis.ohio-state.edu (5.61-kk/5.911008) id AA01971; Wed, 15 Dec 93 12:13:31 -0500From: jason r mihalick <mihalick@cis.ohio-state.edu>Message-Id: <9312151713.AA01971@junk.cis.ohio-state.edu>Subject: MacCalendar '94 FileMaker Pro DBTo: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.eduDate: Wed, 15 Dec 1993 12:13:30 -0500 (EST)Mime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCIIContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitContent-Length: 97238Resent-To: macgifts@sumex-aimResent-Date: Wed, 15 Dec 93 13:32:24 PSTResent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>#### BINHEX fmpro-contacts-203.hqx ****Date: 24 May 93 10:47:45 U From: "Andrew Lee" <andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.au>Subject: FileMaker_Pro_Contacts+2.03.hqx <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Contacts+(c)1992,1993 Andrew Lee, All rights reserved._______________Read MeCONTACTS+ is a shareware Filemaker Pro (version 1.x) database. It's mainpurpose is to allow proper address details to appear (even when some componentsof the address are omitted such as the organization, country etc...) inMicrosoft Word print-merge documents. Other than that, you should find thatCONTACTS+ is just about as powerful and usable as any other `commercial'Contacts database/manager. When exporting print-merge data, the FullAddress field would replace allthe individual fields that make up the receipient's address. You should alsoexport the title, firstname and lastname fields, to be used in the greetingline, ie Dear [title] [firstname] [lastname]... Other fields do not have to beexported. Plea: If you feel that CONTACTS+ has some useful value, or use it for anypurpose, or want to encourage ME to improve CONTACTS+ and develop other`affordable & useful' databases, PLEASE send me an international money ordercheque (or cash) madepayable to: Andrew Lee, for ANY amount that you find appropriate. If you payyour shareware contribution, you will receive a PASSWORD to enable you toMODIFY LAYOUTS and DELETE records. All suggestions for improvements arewelcomed.Please do not distribute Contacts+ without all the original materials,especially this file. Contacts+ is not for commercial re-sale without myknowledge and permission. Please inform me if you decide to place Contacts+onto shareware CD-roms, disks etc...Regards,Andrew LeeSchool of Information TechnologyBond University QueenslandAustralia 4229............................................................Internet: andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.aufax: 61 75 953320 (international)#### BINHEX fmpro-daily-planner-10.hqx ****From: gt6367c@prism.gatech.edu (DEAL, DOUGLAS WAYNE)Subject: filemaker-pro-DayPlan-v1.0.hqxDate: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 19:47:44 -0500The following application is a filemaker pro document.It is a Daily Planner with weekly and daily viewing options.It is fully functional for dates Dec27,1993 - Jan 1, 1995.Included are hourly scheduler and daily summary fields.Produced by DugWare.Must have v2.0 or above of filemaker pro and color monitor is highly suggested.I would like to include this in the cd-rom if possible........#### BINHEX fmpro-demo.hqx ****From: harrym@netcom.com (Harry Myhre)Subject: [*] FileMaker Pro DemoDate: Sun, 5 Dec 93 13:13:24 PSTThis is a "test drive" demo of Claris Corp. FileMaker Pro downloaded from the MacWarehouse BBS. It is functionalenough to give you a good overview of FilMaker Pro.#### BINHEX fmpro-eltab-phonebook-20.hqx ****From: gt6367c@prism.gatech.edu (DEAL, DOUGLAS WAYNE)Subject: filemaker-pro-ELTAB-v2.hqxDate: Wed, 8 Dec 1993 21:53:05 -0500This is version two of an earlier electronic address book database.This update is more professional looking and has slightly better functionality. It is in demo version, but an upgrade is available by sending a postcard to the author or by e-mail. This is described inthe application.#### BINHEX fmpro-flight-log.hqx ****From "Peter Kupferschmied <ietkup@aeolus.ethz.ch>" Thu Aug 26 12:14:53 1993Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1993 07:16:49 +0000From: Peter Kupferschmied <ietkup@aeolus.ethz.ch>Subject: Flight logbook for pilots (>3 monthes)Flight Logbook for airplane and helicopter pilots with useful features for hobby and professional pilots. Requires Claris FileMaker Pro (version >= 1.0)Thank you for distribution!SHAREWARE (30.- Swiss Francs)Peter Kupferscmied, Zurich, Switzerlandemail: ietkup@aeolus.ethz.ch#### BINHEX fmpro-network-list.hqx ****Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1992 23:11 EST From: MAVRIDES%BARRYU.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDUSubject: Submission Dear Info-Mac Moderators:I have submitted a Filemaker Pro template for importing and manipulatingthe network list of lists textfile available through FTP DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU.I prefer working with Filemaker Pro for manipulating large text files asopposed to using the Hypercard Stack also available at Dartmouth. Perhapsother users will find this template useful. There are built-in scripts forfinding lists by category (academic, personal, etc) which are then sortedby list name.Greg MavridesMavrides@BarryU==============================================================================#### BINHEX fmpro-notebook.hqx ****Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 9:23:43 -0600 (CST)From: HAUSMANN@wartburg.eduSubject: [*] filemaker-pro-notebook-db.hqxThis is a graphic notebook I developed (mostly) in a couple evenings. The notebook has features I hope you will find useful:% layouts for both text and graphics% clear, consistent interface% predefined layout for hardcopy (suitable for 3-ring binders)% keyword entry (select the word, then click Paste Keyword)% colorful, yet appears nice on b&w machines% not password protected I developed this for my own use. However, a client firm saw me using a form of this database (for an unrelated project) and then had me extend it for tracking bug reports in their R&D group. If you like it, or even just download it, send me email. Thomas L. HausmannManager, Computer Center Voice: 319/352-8353222 9th St NW FAX: 319/352-8242Wartburg College Internet: hausmann@wartburg.eduWaverly, IA 50677 Other: hausmann@aol.com(This BinHex file created by DownLine 1.1)#### BINHEX fmpro-sf-171.hqx ****Date: Tue, 19 Jan 93 10:19:26 -0800 From: John Weaver <weaver@sherlock.chinalake.navy.mil>Subject: SF-171 (A) In responce to Dwight Lemke's request I am sendingthe form that we use at NAWC china lake. I have notdone this before so I hope it works. If not send mea note at weaver@sherlock.chinalake.navy.mil with someinstructions on how to do it right.This is a Filemaker Pro form SF 171.It has been compacted using compact pro,binhexed and ftp'd to a UNIX machine with Fetch,and mailed to infomac using elm. JP#### BINHEX fmpro-store-21.hqx ****Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 13:17:52 -0600From: "John Doe" <wieben@homer.bethel.edu>Subject: Store2.1.fmp.cpt.hqx submissionThe enclosed file is Store2.1.fmp.cpt.hqx. It is a FileMaker Pro V2.0 template designed to keep track of information pertaining to a store's sales, inventory, accounting, expenses, purchases, and payroll.#### BINHEX fmpro-task-wizard.hqx ****Date: 2 Jun 93 10:10:46 U From: "Andrew Lee" <andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.au>Subject: FileMaker_Pro_TaskWizard1.2.hqx <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TaskWizard(c)1993 Andrew Lee, All rights reserved._______________Read MeTaskWizard is a shareware Filemaker Pro (version 1.x) database. It's mainpurpose is to allow simple management of to-do lists. TaskWizard automaticallyorders task based upon the task's attributes (eg time req, start date etc...).All approximation is based on the concept of available hours for performingchores ie the more hours you have, the sooner the estimated completion date. In this version, you cannot modify the available hours (by default is set to 4hours), layouts, nor delete records. If you feel that TaskWizard has someuseful value, or use it for any purpose, or want to encourage ME to improveTaskWizard and develop other `affordable & useful' databases, PLEASE send me aninternational money order cheque (or cash) made payable to: Andrew Lee, for ANYamount that you find appropriate. If I receive your shareware contribution, Iwill send you a PASSWORD to enable you to MODIFY LAYOUTS and DELETE records. Ifyou need to change the available hours (from 4 to something else...), pleasesupply an Internet email address together with your payment. I will try toemail you a customised version (in BinHex + Compact Pro format). The source code is also for license. With access to the source, you can modifythe available hours for chores yourself. Please read the licensing agreementincluded. All suggestions for improvements are welcomed.Please do not distribute TaskWizard without all the original materials,especially this file. TaskWizard is not for commercial re-sale without myknowledge and permission. Please inform me if you decide to place TaskWizardonto shareware CD-roms, disks etc...Regards,Andrew LeeSchool of Information TechnologyBond University QueenslandAustralia 4229............................................................Internet: andrew_lee@macmail.bond.edu.aufax: 61 (0)75 953320 (international)#### BINHEX fmpro-time-diff.hqx ****Date: 11 Dec 92 09:31:15 U From: "Andrew Lee" <andrew_lee@macmail.bu.oz.au>Subject: FileMakerDB_TimeDIFF.hqx <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TimeDIFF v1.1(c)1992 Andrew Lee.The TimeDIFF FileMaker Pro database containscalculation fields that allows you to determine thetime differences between a period beforeand after midnight. This is useful for time-logging purposes,especially for people who work all through thenight. Conventional: Endtime-StartTime calculationsin FileMaker does not produce reasonable results.#### BINHEX fmpro-write-it-down-11.hqx ****Date: 28 Jan 93 12:50:38 U From: "Andrew Lee" <andrew_lee@macmail.bu.oz.au>Subject: FileMakerPro_WriteItDown1.1.hqx This is an update that fixes a bug in version 1.0Regards,Andrew Lee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WriteItDown(c)1992 Andrew Lee, All rights reserved._______________Read MeWriteItDown is a pseudo-shareware Filemaker Pro (version 1.x) database. It'smain purpose is to provide a vehicle to electronically store and retrieve textnotes. You can use WriteItDown to produce simple notebooks or export `properlyannotated notes' into other software. WriteItDown is also able to automaticallyextract 5 keywords from your notes if you have properly annotated them. When exporting the notes, the FullNotes field contains all the individualfields that make up the notes including the title, remarks, keywords etc... Plea: If you feel that WriteItDown has some useful value, & want toencourage ME to improve it and develop other `affordable & useful' databases, &want to receive future updates via email (personally sent by me), PLEASE sendme a cheque (in Australian $) payable to: Andrew Lee, or notes in any CURRENCY,for ANY amount that you find appropriate. I will email (internet) you thelatest version of WriteItDown including its registered user's password. At thevery least, you must let me know that you are usingthis template (by email or a normal letter)... I won't sue you if you do notpay your shareware fees... Please do not distribute this database without all the original materials,especially this file. This database is not for commercial re-sale without myknowledge and permission. Please inform me if you decide to place this databaseonto commercial shareware CD-roms, disks etc...If you do adopt ideas from WriteItDown for your own database, don't forget toinclude me in the list of persons to thank :-). All suggestions forimprovements are welcomed.Other databases that I have created: Contacts+ (A contact database), Docu+ (Aletter-content database used in conjunction with Contacts+ for print-merging).Regards,Andrew LeeSchool of Information and Computing SciencesBond University Australia 4229Internet: andrew_lee@macmail.bu.oz.au#160# Registered user's password will allow users to modify or create new layouts.It will not allow user to create or modify scripts and add other fields. If youneed to know the `internals', please get in-touch with me personally. Allregistered-users' passwords are compatible on version with the same first digitafter the decimal (ie version 1.5, 1.51... 1.59 have the same password but notversion 1.6).#### BINHEX font-geist-01.hqx ****Date: Wed, 5 May 93 19:31 EST From: "Jonathan Z. Simon" <JSIMON%umdhep.BITNET@VTVM2.CC.VT.EDU>Subject: FontGeist--A virtual font maker for use with SuperATM _________FontGeist_________copyright 1993 Jonathan Z. Simonversion 0.1Requires SuperATM & ResEdit (and a strong lust for fonts).FontGeist is a completely harmless, extremely small (under 3K),virtually intefaceless application, with one sole purpose inlife: to make "Ghost Fonts".A Ghost font is a font that does not exist on your system, butyou'd like it to, and can't get the real thing.SuperATM has the ability to create fonts out of thin air (so tospeak), so long as it is one of the thousand or so fonts inits knowledge base. Usually to invoke SuperATM you open a filewhich uses a font which you don't have. SuperATM then createsa virtual font with all the same dimensional characteristics,so you don't lose your old line-spacing and characterplacement in that file.FontGeist's only purpose in life (and beyond) is to referencea font by name, which SuperATM then makes a virtual version of.A Scenerio:Let's say you want a really weighty font for your latestdesktop publishing extravaganza. You look through Adobe'slastest catalog and notice that "Impact" would do well.Unfortunately you don't have Impact.Fortunately you don't really care what the precise bells andwhistles of Impact's individual characters look like, youjust like its overall tone.Enter FontGeist.Add the name of the font ("Impact") to FontGeist's list.Double-click on FontGeist.The cursor will momentarilly turn into a spinning lowercase"a", and then FontGeist quits.Any application that you open up afterwards will have Impactadded to its Font menu, and you can use it in any applicationthat supports fonts (don't wait too long to open anotherapplication, or SuperATM will get bored with its virtual fontand throw it away until you use FontGeist again).________________________________________________________________________#### BINHEX fortune-11.hqx ****From "Morgan Davis <mdavis@crash.cts.com>" Sun Aug 22 00:23:31 1993Subject: Fortune 1.1 -- fortune speakerDate: Fri, 20 Aug 93 22:36:27 PDTFrom: Morgan Davis <mdavis@crash.cts.com>[ Archive manager: fortune-11-sea.hqx replaces fortune-10b1-sea.hqx ]Fortune displays and reads aloud a random, hopefully humorous adagein a small window on your screen. It draws from a vast pool of morethan 1,600 "fortune cookie" phrases from its Fortunes File. New in Fortune 1.1: + Supports user-assigned voices + Preferences dialog, saves settings in Fortune Prefs file + Remembers window locations + Clicking on parts of Fortune window opens relevant dialogs = Better fortune randomization = Cleaned up Fortune File (spelling, speakability of some words, etc.) = Nicer About info display = Better icons (Chinese "good luck" character; rebuild desktop to see them) = Smarter handling as a Startup Item vs. user-launched application - Smaller footprint (saved 40K by reducing the About picture) Fortune 1.1 is distributed as shareware for $10.(210 downloads in its first week on AOL)#### BINHEX fortune-cookie-hc.hqx ****From: Jonathan Kimmitt <jrrk@camcon.co.uk>Date: Mon, 30 Nov 92 14:52:58 GMT Subject: fortune cookie stack (1/6) Here is a fun hypercard stack based on the unix program fortune.Due to the nature of this material, it is not possible toestablish the copyright owners easily. Some of these quotationsare definitely inaccurate but mostly inoffensive.There are no guilt-provoking demands for Shareware payment tospoil your enjoyment. Operation is self-explanatory forusers familiar with Hypercard. Written in version 2.1(Free with system 7.0)#### BINHEX fox-arrays.hqx ****From: dent@DIALix.oz.au (Andrew Dent)Subject: Foxbase - XScrollList shareware XCMD update Date: Sat, 15 May 93 12:47:31 AWST FoxBase+/Mac XCMD for building arrays to be displayed in scrolling listdialogs. Arrays use application memory and NOT part of the Fox 64kb variablememory. Multiple arrays are supported and can remain for the duration ofrunning a program (ie load at startup). Scrolling list allows multipleselections (shift & command-click) plus navigate by typing first few lettersof entry plus page up/down & arrow keys. Create dialogs with ResEdit - anynumber of buttons supported past default 2. Source available on request (usesscrolling list library from DataPak). NEW FEATURES Combine/unpack multiplecodes in XCMD, avoiding need for building or using array in your FoxBase code.Andy Dent dent@dialix.oz.au CIS 100033,3241#### BINHEX fox-foxtools-15.hqx ****Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1993 09:30:09 -0600 From: e-weidl@uchicago.edu (Eric Weidl)Subject: Fox XCMD/XFCN's FoxTools 1.5 is a set of 36 XCMD/XFCN's which may be useful for theFoxBASE+/Mac 2.x programmer. They were compiled by Randy Brown for a FoxDeveloper's Conference a couple of years ago, and then posted on CompuServe. I got them from CompuServe and posted them here.Other than that, I've hadnothing to do with them; except of course, to use them. My one addition tothe archive is a report form that can be used to print out a list of the XCMD/XFCN's.Here are their names:MovefileSublaunchNewFolderXdbfXtextXmemotxtXmemoextXmemolenXmemostfXmemosrcXejectXbeepXvolumeDoRestartPutClipboardGetClipboardShutdownSystemFolderSerialHandlerFiletoClipXwipeXpassXCopyCurrDeviceDeviceListChooseDeviceChooserNameLeafNameXaboutGetStrInvertchangePREC MovieSetStdFilePathXthermXcmdEditPictTo make it easy to see what each does, Randy built a shell around them. Torun the application, just double-click on the "FoxTool.prg" file in the Finder, or DO the program.Eric:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Eric Weidl e-weidl@uchicago.edu or hatchery@applelink.apple.com Network Programmer - Office of Academic Computing Biological Sciences Division of the University of Chicago#### BINHEX fox-keyboard-traps.hqx ****From: dent@DIALix.oz.au (Andrew Dent)Subject: FoxBase shareware update Date: Sun, 9 May 93 22:09:06 AWST FoxBase+/Mac XCMD to install event filters allowing1) catch Return, Tab, Enter and/or Double-clicks (eg: in Browse)2) specify up to 255 Hot rectangles to detect single-clicks, much faster than using invisible buttons3) convert Return to Tab characters as they are typed, to use Return to step from field to field with SET STRICT ON.C & Pascal (mixed) source available on request.Requires Stuffit Expander (or Lite) to unpack.Upgrade to v1.4 fixes some incompatibilies with Now Menus and68000-based Macs.#### BINHEX foxbase-events-tut-142.hqx ****From "dent@DIALix.oz.au (Andrew Dent)" Mon Sep 6 01:09:11 1993From: dent@DIALix.oz.au (Andrew Dent)Subject: dev - Foxevents-tut-1.4.2 Date: Mon, 6 Sep 93 0:11:16 AWST Shareware XFCN for FoxBase+/Mac shown here in a skeletonapplication you can use (for free) as the basis for yourown Mac apps.This tutorial contains- double-clickable Browse window with- Toolbar of graphic buttons, inverted when you click them- edit window with graphic buttons that do NOT affect MODIFIED()- examples of how to handle menus in FoxBase+/MacConvert the Binhex and then unpack with either Stuffit Expanderor Stuffit Lite or Deluxe v3.REPLACESXbrowse2click and XFoxEvents v1.4 or earlier.#### BINHEX foxbase-qt-movies.hqx ****Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1993 09:28:44 -0600 From: e-weidl@uchicago.edu (Eric Weidl)Subject: Fox QuickTime Info-Mac'ers: This should go in /info-mac/demosThis Demo file was created by Roger Bischoff and shows how to incorporatemulti-media QuickTime movies into your FoxBASE+/Mac applications. Thisfile contains documented PRG, Resource file, ReadMe and 2 sample movies. QuickTime support in FoxBASE+/Mac comes in the form of an XCMD from theApple Developer's QuickTime CD-ROM.#### BINHEX fractal-12.hqx ****Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 15:00:17 -0700From: gonzo@ntb.apple.com (Ed Rotberg)Subject: Fractal! 1.2To whomever:Please post this freeware program and associated documentation to thepublic ftp archives at umich & sumex as well as posting tocomp.mac.binaries.Feel free to make it available to whatever other archives seem appropriate.Version 1.2 has a number of bug fixes along with several new features including: * New and improved subdivision algorithm that ellimnates "creasing" problem. * Output animation files to QuickTime movies. * More control of Sky Color gradients. * Settable PICT File resolution. = Ed Rotberg =Ed Rotberg "Just remember...Professor of Gonzo a waist is a terribleApple Computer, Inc. thing to mind"#### BINHEX fractal-generator.hqx ****Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 9:54:54 -0400 (EDT) From: KNEUSEL@MSUPA.PA.MSU.EDU (RTK)Subject: Fractal Generating program. This is a program to generate fractals using the IFS algorithm.It is written in Pocket Forth and should run on any Mac. Docs are included.Ron Kneusel (kneusel@msupa.pa.msu.edu)July 22, 1993.#### BINHEX fractal-wizard.hqx ****Date: Sun, 10 Jan 93 19:41:32 -0800 From: fowell@netcom.com (Richard A. Fowell)Subject: FractalWizard.sit.hqx - Fractal generator app Supports several types of fractals, color tables.Virus checked with Disinfectant 2.9, tested on Mac IIsi, System 7.01 tuned.#### BINHEX fractal.hqx ****Date: Wed, 28 Apr 93 17:51:58 -0700 From: gonzo@ntb.apple.com (Ed Rotberg)Subject: Update to Fractal! program Oops!!As usually happens, just after releasing someone found a bug (non-crashing)with the Illumination Dialog. Never trust version 1.0 of anything!!Fractal is a program that can generate a wide variety of fractal landscape,giving the user much control over many aspects of the rendered imageincluding an illumination model, color, a distance hazing model, awater/wave texture model and more.This program is FREEWARE. The author reserves all rights. It may befreely distributed as long as all original documentation accompanies it. IT may NOT be included in any package sold for profit without the expresswritten consent of the author. - Ed Rotberg -#### BINHEX fret-tutor.hqx ****Date: 11 Dec 1992 16:10:21 -0500 (EST) From: erics@wmc5600.zool.umass.edu (eric shelden (wadsworth))Fret Tutor is a program designed to teach the notes of the guitar fretboard using a game like interface. Users can change the range of frets being worked on, several levels of difficulty are supported. The program maintains and can print a record of the past ten user sessions. A built-in manual is included. Has been run on Classic, LC, IIcx, IIfx, using systems 6.0.5 or later (including System 7). Must be unstuffed using Stuffit. Shareware, 10$. Eric Shelden (erics@wmc5600.zool.umass.edu)